
All Events

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Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
SMART Board Introductory Training
Adolescent Literacy Network
Wisconsin Alternate Assesment for Students with Disabilities (WAA-SwD)
CDS Networking Meeting #1 - Southern Location
Administrative Overview of PBIS and Necessary District Commitments
Lights Camera Action Video Modeling
Google Apps for Education
Wisconsin Alternate Assesment for Students with Disabilities (WAA-SwD)
2103: PD21-Get Smart: SMART Board in the Classroom Level 1X
Brain Works
Brain Works - DAY 1 ONLY
Solution Focused Counseling
Northwoods Economic Summit VII
Benchmark Assessment System Training-Fountas & Pinnell
CDS Networking Meeting #1 - Northern Location
Visual Learning Resources for Autism/PDD, ELL
PARASeries #1-Motivation & Engagement of All Students in Learning
RtI Framework Mapping
iPod/iPad Basics 101
2299:Linda Tilton's Reaching and Teaching All Learners in the Differentiated ClassroomX
Common Core Standards Lite: What's Different??!! ELA PK-12
Euro Phy Ed/Health
PBIS Coaches Networking Meeting
Common Core Standards Lite: What's Different??!! Math PK-12
CTE Network Night
DAC meeting
PBIS Tier 1 Beginning Implementation-New Coaches Orientation
Euro Tech Ed
Introduction to Google Apps for Education
CANCELLED! Writing Workshop
Non-Violent Crisis Intervention Trng Refresher (2607)X
Technology Coordinators Meeting
The Daily 5 & Cafe ITV Discussions
PBIS Interventions and Supports Administrative Overview
Educational Programming and Instructional Strategies for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder
ECSE Networking Meeting
Special Education Leadership Mtg. (2547)X
Regional Service Network (RSN) Meeting
CANCELLED!! Social Emotional Foundations for Preschool Learning (SEFEL)
Maximize Your Touch - Using Ipads/Ipods within the Early Elementary Classroom
School Leaders Network
Wisconsin RtI Foundational Overview
EC Networking Meeting: Stevens Point
Early Childhood Consultation Network - October 7th
PBIS Coaches Networking Session
Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards
iTeach: Putting Learning into the Hands of the Students CANCELLED
CANCEL - Behavioral Approaches Designed for Student Success
S300 Tier 2/Secondary Levels of Support: Brief Functional Behavior Assessment
The Road to Transition 101 - 608-673
High Impact Teaching
Gifted & Talented Author Presentation Day 2021X
Statewide Title I Network - Title I Coordinator Orientation
CANCELLED! Kurzweil for MACs
INDICATOR 13 - Special Education ITV Presentation PM Session
Special Education Indicator 13 - AM SESSION
Transition Workshop (Indicator #13) Option-1 (2592) X
INDICATOR 13 - Special Education ITV Presentation AM Session
Leveled Literacy Interventions Professional Development
UTA300 Implementing PBIS in Your School
RBI Training - 2 Day Training
CANCELLED!! Classroom Applications of SMART Technology
iPad Basics for the Educator
CANCELLED!! Strategies and Resources on How to Help Regulate Self-Regulation
Professional Advisory Council Meeting
Special Education Indicator 13 - PM SESSION
Transition Workshop (Indicator #13) Option-2 (2591) X
Build Your Own Curriculum
Principals' Network Meeting 2135 X
SWIS Facilitator Training
Non Violent Crisis Intervention-526-674
Jan Richardson-The Next Step in Guided Reading
Classroom Instruction That Works with ELLs
Leveled Literacy Intervention Training K-2 (Session I)
NURSE NETWORK MEETING - 3 Meetings per year
StudyWiz - Introduction
Nurturing Voluminous Vocabularies: Practical Ideas for Helping Students Learn to Live and Love Words
EURO Science K-12
CANCELLED Be SMART, SMART Boards in the Classroom, Getting Started X2346
Fall Book Study Class 2141X
SWIS Facilitator Training
Early Childhood Outcomes Training
Leveled Literacy Intervention Training K-2 (Session II)
Infinite Campus End of Term
Literacy Link
CANCELLED - PD21-Google Apps for Education Gmail and Calendar X2104
EPAS Users Group
**CANCELLED**iPad Basics for Administrators
Investigating Common Core Standards - 6-12 Literacy
SMART Board Level 1 Training-FULL
RSN Meeting
iPad Basics for the Educator
Early Childhood Curriculum & Assessment Network - Oct 13th
SWIS Facilitator Training
PDP Review Team Training Session
Linda Dorn-Interventions That Work
Literacy Link
Social & Emotional Skills for Grades K-3
CANCELLED!! Assistive Technology Shareshop
IEP Writing - Transition (2567) X
SMART Board Level 2 Training-CANCELLED
Autism Networking Meeting
Washburn Program Planning Meeting
CANCELLED Be SMART, SMART Boards in the Classroom, Getting Started X2346
SEFEL Trng-Day 1 CANCELLED (2531)
WI Pyramid Model Training: (SEFEL)
2011 Wisconsin Early Childhood Indicator Trainings:
Crisis Prevention Training
Technology Leadership Meeting
Google Apps for Education
AODA ShareshopX2795
iTeach: Putting Learning into the Hands of the Students CANCELLED
The Next Generation Science Standards are Coming
Writing a High Quality Professional Development Plan
NWEA-MAP Data Analysis Workshop 2138 X
Infinite Campus Assessment Workday
Wiggle Into Web 2.0
Crisis Prevention Training
Gifted and Talented Network
Reading Specialist Network
BYOC Connecting/Sharing Group
Value-Added Learning and Assessment Center - Adolescent Literacy
C100 Coaches/Administrators Training
The Problem with Problem Behavior: Supporting Students with Autism and Other Disabilities
Fall Perkins Consortium Meeting
CANCELLED!!!Classroom Applications of Promethean Technology
Technology Coordinators Network Meeting #1
Professional Advisory Committee (PAC) Meeting X2316
Southern Alliance Coalition Meeting
PDP Overview Initial Educator Support Seminar
CANCELLED Be SMART, SMART Boards in the Classroom, Getting Started X2346
CANCELLED- PD21-Lights! Camera! Action! X2271
CANCELLED. School Counselors Network
Non Violent Crisis Intervention - Initial Training (2 Days)
CANCELLED - RtI Framework Mapping Training
Wisconsin RtI Foundational Overview
PLATO Training 2928x
Brief Intervention - CANCELLED
PDP Writing Workshop
CANCELLED. Creating and Using WIKI's within the Classroom
SMART Notebook I
Visual Learning Resources for Autism, PDD & ELL-Vizzle Learning (2862) CANCELLED X
2126 PDP Writing Session 1 X
First Year Teacher Support Seminar 2 X2122
EURO Inservice Session C: Physical Education Shareshop
SLD Initial Guidance technical Assistance - ITV Session LIMITED SPACE REGISTER EARLY!
EURO Inservice Session B: Build Your Own Curriculum (BYOC)
Professional Assault Crisis Training (Pro-ACT)
Learning and Assessment Center Network-AM
Non Violent Crisis Intervention - Initial Training (2 Days)
RtI Framework Mapping-CANCELLED
Adolescent Literacy Leaders Network
Using DIBELS Data to assist in the RtI Process (2635) X
SLD Initial Guidance Technical Assistance (Option A - 9-11:30) (2745) X
SLD Initial Guidance Technical Assistance-am session
CLOSED - SLD Initial Guidance Technical Assistance-AM SESSION
iPads for Administrators
SLD Initial Guidance Documents on the Web: Administrative Overview-AM Session
SLD Initial Guidance technical Assistance - ITV Session - LIMITED SPACE REGISTER EARLY!
SLD Initial Guidance Technical Assistance Training (AM SESSION)
AM Session - SLD Administrative Overview
EURO Inservice Session A: Choices
EURO Inservice Session A: Cyberbullying Toolkit
EURO Inservice Session A: Common Core State Standards Overview
EURO Inservice Session A: Google Docs
EURO Inservice Session A: Starlab
EURO Inservice Session A: Build Your Own Curriculum (BYOC)
EURO Inservice Session A: Learn 360
EURO Inservice Session A-B-C: Technology Education Updates
EURO Inservice Session A: Airborne Astronomy Ambassador Program
EURO Inservice Session A: Assessment
EURO Inservice Session A: BadgerLink
EURO Inservice Session A: Best Practices with Video Distance Learning
EURO Inservice Session A: FACS & Science Course PART I
EURO Inservice Session A: Response to Intervention (RtI)
EURO Inservice Session A: PBIS Shareshop
EURO Inservice Session A: 1:1 Computing
PAC Meeting
EURO Inservice Session B: Learn 360
EURO Inservice Session B: BadgerLink
EURO Inservice Session B: Google Apps
CANCELLED!!EURO Inservice Session B: 1:1 Computing
CANCELLED!!EURO Inservice Session B: LEG Training
SLD Initial Guidance Technical Assistance-pm session
CLOSED - SLD Initial Guidance Technical Assistance-PM SESSION
SLD Initial Guidance Technical Assistance (Option B-12:30-3) (2791) X
SLD Initial Guidance Documents on the Web: Administrative Overview-PM Session
SLD Initial Guidance Technical Assistance Training (PM SESSION)
PM Session - SLD Administrative Overview
EURO Inservice Session B: The ABC's of Effective Behavior Intervention Plans (BIPs)
EURO Inservice Session B: Starlab
EURO Inservice Session B: Cyberbullying Toolkit
EURO Inservice Session B: Common Core State Standards Overview
EURO Inservice Session B: Airborne Astronomy Ambassador Program
EURO Inservice Session B: Positive Behavior Intervention Supports (PBIS)
EURO Inservice Session B: Assessment
EURO Inservice Session B: Choices
EURO Inservice Session B: FACS & Science Course PART II
EURO Inservice Session B: Response to Intervention (RtI)
EURO Inservice Session B: Professional Learning Communities
Learning and Assessment Center Network-PM
EURO Inservice Session C: Learn 360
EURO Inservice Session C: Airborne Astronomy Ambassador Program
EURO Inservice Session C: Schoolwide Information System (SWIS)
EURO Inservice Session C: Assessment
EURO Inservice Session C: Google Sites
EURO Inservice Session C: Response to Intervention (RtI)
CANCELLED!!!EURO Inservice Session C: Managing Student Interventions Using SIMS
EURO Inservice Session C: iPads In The Classroom
EURO Inservice Session C: School Counselor Share Shop
EURO Inservice Session C: Common Core Standards ELA Phase I
EURO Inservice Session C: Common Core Standards Math Phase I
EURO Inservice Session C: Common Core State Standards - Science
EURO Inservice Session C: Smartmusic
EURO Inservice Session C: FACS Share Shop
EURO Inservice Session C: Virtual Field Trips for the Classroom
EURO Inservice Session C: Foreign Language Shareshop
Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards
RtI Foundational Overview Training
Professional Assault Crisis Training (Pro-ACT)
Coordinating Your District's Title III Program
ELL Network Meeting
What Every District Must Know! - CANCELLED
Regional Program Support Teacher Meeting
iTeach: Putting Learning into the Hands of the Students CANCELLED
Initial Educator Support Seminar: Classroom Management/How to Write a PDP
INDICATOR 13 - Special Education ITV Presentation PM Session
INDICATOR 13 - Special Education ITV Presentation AM Session
CPI Nonviolent Crisis Intervention Training
Special Education Indicator 13 - AM SESSION
CANCELLED Eclipse Users Group Meeting
RtI and Elementary Literacy Programming - A Repertoire of Literacy Interventions
2543 PD21-Google Apps for Education - DOCS X
SMART Board for Administrators
**CANCELLED** Create Your Own Personal Learning Network
Sub-Advisory Meeting
PBIS Coaches Network Meetings - October 25 ONLY
Special Education Indicator 13 - PM SESSION
Indicator #13-517-611
The Power of Using Guidance with Young Children
CANCELLED - Differentiated Instruction: Equity & Excellence for All Students
CD Workshop
Writing a High Quality Professional Development Plan
Investigating the Common Core State Standards through Title 1 Lens 2356 X
DPI/WTEA Technology and Engineering Education Fall In-service
iPad for Special Education
Practical Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA)-519-671
Coulee Online & Distance Consortium Meeting
Levelled Literacy Intervention Training - Fountas & Pinnell
Common Core State Standards Math 3-5
Cancelled - Professional Learning Communities (PLC) Workshop
Levelled Literacy Intervention Training - Fountas & Pinnell
Common Core State Standards Math 4K-2
Special Education Director Meeting
Speech Networking Meeting
Language Intervention in the Classroom: What It Looks Like
Project Based Learning Meets the 21st Century 2345 X
WMELS Training (2653) X
CANCELLED / CESA #4 Bookkeepers Meeting
Statewide Title I Network - RtI and Title I Connection
PLATO Training 2929x
Using the PLC Process So RtI Works! - CANCELLED