
All Events

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Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Systems Coaching in a RtI Framework
WI RtI Center Foundational Overview-Secondary Schools
Reading Rocks! Facilitator Training
"Pyramid Response to Intervention RtI, PLC, and How to Respond When Kids Don't Learn" a book study
Good Habits, Great Readers Book Study
Designing Units of Instruction
STW Designee Meeting 4499 X
Rick DuVall Vocabulary Development to Close the Achievement Gap held at Lenz Center (4724)) X
WI RtI Center Foundational Overview-Secondary Schools
CANCELLED - Brain Works: Preparing Students for Learning (CESA 5)
Tech Ed Curriculum Mapping
-CANCELLED- What's the Law Got to Do With It?
Physical Education and Technology
Systems Coaching in a RtI Framework
Infinite Campus All Things Health
Rick DuVall Vocabulary Development to Close the Achievement Gap held at Lenz Center (4724)) X
We Have the School Report Card - Now What? - 812-604
Non Violent Crisis Intervention (NVCI) Initial Training 2 Days
School Counseling Curriculum Mapping
Character and Leadership Curriculum Training
TSS Core Planning & Implementation Goup Meeting
School District Report Cards for School Board Members
See the Sound-Visual Phonics
Wisconsin RtI School-wide Implementation Review and Planning (4806) X
Non Violent Crisis Intervention (NVCI) Initial Training 2 Days
STW/E4E Council Meeting
RESCHEDULED TO JANUARY 30, 2013 Framework for Understanding Poverty
Differentiated Literacy Centers In Action
Carl Perkins Fall Team Leader Meeting
Accountability Index Training
School Report Cards On-Line Meeting
Technology Coordinators Network
Systems Coaching in a RtI Framework
See the Sound-Visual Phonics
PBIS Administrative Overview AS50
ECSE Networking Meeting
SMART Board Level 1 Workshop
Differentiated Literacy Centers In Action
School Report Card 101
Speech Networking Meeting
Addressing Challenging Student Behavior and Supporting Job Keeping Skills of At-Risk Youth-727-673
Educational Tech Leadership Meeting
DAC Meeting X
Coaches Networking Meetings (PBIS)
Wisconsin STEM Summit Preconference
Online Teacher Training Program
Nonviolent Crisis Intervention Training
Non Violent Crisis Intervention (NVCI) One Day
Wisconsin STEM Summit
School Psychology Network Meeting-717-661
Leveled Literacy Intervention Gr. K - 3
High School Technical Assistance (including S3 schools) - October 8, 2012
Non Violent CPI Training- Bayfield School District Staff
Flipping Classroom Instruction
RESCHEDULED- TBA: Words Hurt - Youth Leadership Training
"Pyramid Response to Intervention RtI, PLC, and How to Respond When Kids Don't Learn" a book study
Good Habits, Great Readers Book Study
Wisconsin STEM Summit
Math Curriculum Camp held at Lenz Center (4218) X
The Road to Transition 101
ELA - Common Core State Standards and Curriculum Companion Support - 813-604
How to Write a PDP for Pupil Services and Administrator Licenses
SMARTNotebook Beginner Level 1
Introduction to Google Docs for Educators
Adolescent Literacy Network: Technology Tools for the Classroom
VIDEO STREAMING OF: Implementing Wisconsin's Specific Learning Disabilities (SLD) Rule
CDS Networking Meeting #1 - North Location-CANCELED
Self-Assessment: Discipline, Ad-Hoc Committee, Corrective Action Plan (5201)X CANCELLED
Autism Network Nights (Entire Series)
Autism Network Nights (October 9th ONLY)
School District Report Card is canceled
2012 Parent Involvement Regional Summit 1/Group B
**CANCELLED** Brain Compatible Differentiation for Tier I Classroom Instruction
School Psychologist Networking Meeting
Gifted and Talented Network
Math Curriculum Camp held at Lenz Center (4220) X
Math - Common Core State Standards and Curriculum Companion Support - 814-604
IEP Basics: Tools & Tips (2-day training)
Gifted & Talented Coordinators Meetings
Introduction to Moodle -- Day 1 (this is a 2-day workshop)
Google Apps for Education-724-611
Moodle Jumpstart - CANCELLED
PAC (Professional Advisory Committee) Meeting X
Literacy Leadership Specialists Network
SEEDS Training
WAA Training (5278) CANCELLED
PDP Overview Support Seminar For Initial Educators
CTE Network Night #1
FACS Back-to-School Dinner Meeting
School District Report Cards for School Board Members
RtI Foundational Overview - Developing Your Elementary School's Multi-level System of Support
Statewide Title I Data Analysis
Foreign Language Curriculum Mapping
iPad-Classroom Projects with iPads
**CANCELLED** WI RtI Center Foundational Overview: Setting the Stage and Planning for Systems Change (Elementary Schools) (2-Day Workshop)
CANCELED PD21- Google Apps for Education - Sites
PBIS Tier 1 New Coaches Training Day C100
ISES/CWCS Network Meeting
Progress Monitoring
Early Childhood Special Education Indicator Training
RtI Foundational Overview - Developing Your Elementary School's Multi-level System of Support
Are You SLD Rule Ready?
RSN Meeting
Report Card Mini-Session - 830-604
Special Education Leadership Mtg. 5032 X
Suicide Prevention Resources and Training
Early Childhood Networking - 802-662
**CANCELLED** WI RtI Center Foundational Overview: Setting the Stage and Planning for Systems Change (Elementary Schools) (2-Day Workshop)
SMART Board Advanced
SMART Board Level 2 Workshop
Literacy Network - 822-600
Build Your Own Curriculum-State Users Group Meeting
Fall EC Networking Meeting: Bliss
RtI for Early Childhood-721-662
RtI and PBIS Overview - October 13, 2012
Teaching in an Online/Blended Learning Environment
PBIS Tier 1/Universal Training - Day 3
Educational Programming and Instructional Strategies for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder
PBIS Tier 2/3 Administrative Overview-728-696
Discipline Literacy and RtI for Tier I
RtI Foundational Overview Elementary Schools
Youth Leadership Training with Tom Kidd X
Common Core for Library Media Specialists
External Coaches Forum - October 15, 2012
"Pyramid Response to Intervention RtI, PLC, and How to Respond When Kids Don't Learn" a book study
Good Habits, Great Readers Book Study
CANCELED - Non Violent Crisis Intervention (NVCI) One Day - NO PHYSICAL TRAINING
Statewide Title I Developing Number Sense
Infinite Campus Behavior
Reading Network - Day 1
**CANCEL** Cyber Safety Curriculum and Ideas for Students with Disabilities
RtI Foundational Overview Elementary Schools
***CANCELLED*** Professional Learning Comunity (PLC) Administrative Leadership Team Series
Transitioning to Schoolwide Programming X
Elementary Principals Professional Learning Community
Math Curriculum Companion Boot Camp
SLD Training - Postponed until April 30
DAC/SAC Meeting
CDS Networking Meeting #1 - South Location
Science Center
**FULL-Crisis Prevention Institute Training-Two Day Training
Infinite Campus End of Term
Leveled Literacy Intervention Training K-2 (6 days)
WORKSHOP FULL - RtI Foundational Overview-Elementary ( a two day event)-707-693
Teacher Mentor Training
Fall Library Media Specialist & Technology Coordinators Meeting
POSTPONED!! WILL BE RESCHEDULED AT LATER DATE: Implementing Wisconsin's Specific Learning Disabilities (SLD) Rule
Math Network Forum X
How to Think Functionally: Tying Together FBA/BIP and EBP for Students With Autism
Library Media Specialist Networking #1
Fall 2012 Book Study X
Principal Networking Meeting X
ELA Curriculum Camp held at Lenz Center 4223 X
How Do I Assess the Common Core Standards in High School Math Courses?
Teacher Mentor Training
Curriculum Companion Support Workshop for ELA
CANCELLED DUE TO LOW REGISTRATION: Fun & Learning Science with Engineering is Elementary Workshop
**FULL-Crisis Prevention Institute Training-Two Day Training
Text Complexity: What is so complex?
CANCELLED-SMART Board-Level 1-723-611
PDP Writing Session X
1st Year Educator Support Seminars X
ELA Curriculum Camp held at Lenz Center 4224 X
Infinite Campus Managing Extra Curriculars in Campus
Cancelled: Professional Advisory Council Meeting
Regional Service Network (RSN) Meeting
RSN Meeting
SMART Board Refreshare
FALL CTE Leadership Workshop
Title I PD Workshop & Comprehension at the Core
Learning and Assessment Center
CANCELLED-SMART Board-Level 2-723-611
Curriculum Directors Support Series
Survey of Elementary Reading Program and Practices
Principal's Network Meeting
Survey of Elementary Reading Program and Practices
Writing a High Quality Professional Development Plan
2012-2013 Early Childhood Special Education Indicator Training
RtI Foundational Overview Secondary Schools
The Role of the LEA Rep (Gary Ruesch)- AM SESSION
Efficient but Effective IEP Meetings, Roles & Responsibilities for IEP Team Members - AM SESSION
School Counselor Network-735-661
Leveled Literacy Intervention Network
Guided Reading Plus
The Role of the LEA Rep (Gary Ruesch) - PM SESSION
Efficient but Effective IEP Meetings, Roles & Responsibilities for IEP Team Members - PM SESSION
"Pyramid Response to Intervention RtI, PLC, and How to Respond When Kids Don't Learn" a book study
Initial Educator Support Seminar: Classroom Management and PDP Overview
PARASeries #1-Special Ed Basics
RtI School-Wide Implementation Review and Planning
Wisconsin RtI Center Peer to Peer Networking - CANCELED
RtI Foundational Overview Secondary Schools
Balanced Literacy in the Intermediate Grades
Teaching Complex Texts in Academic & Technical Disciplines
CAT #2 X
Safe & Healthy Schools Professional Learning Community Meeting #1
Moodle Refreshare
Self-Assessment: Indicator 8 & 14 (5202)X CANCELLED
Math Add+Vantage Follow-Up Session
New Teacher Success - Changes in Education
Restorative Practices in the School Setting (Online Course)
Writing a High Quality Professional Development Plan
PDP Writing Workshop
Balanced Literacy in the Intermediate Grades
Infinite Campus All things Attendance
Carl Perkins and Youth Apprenticeship Designees Meeting
NWEA-MAP Data Analysis Workshop X
WI RtI Center Foundational Overview: Setting the Stage and Planning for Systems Change (Secondary Schools) (2-Day Workshop)
Fall DPI Tech Ed Workshop
Unpacking the Common Core - 7-12th Grade ELA
Common Core Standards and Special Education
PBIS Coaches Networking Meeting
Autism Networking Meeting (5279)X
Legal Seminar
External Coaches Forum - October 25, 2012
Using Google Sites-CANCELLED
AODA Coordinators Meeting
Infinite Campus FDF Forms
1st Grade Common Core Math & English Language Arts Deeper Investigations
CD Workshop
WI RtI Center Foundational Overview: Setting the Stage and Planning for Systems Change (Secondary Schools) (2-Day Workshop)
CANCELLED-iPad Basics from A-Z-715-611
ECCAN (4/18 with EC Forum)
External Coaches Forum - October 25, 2012
CANCELED - Assessment Strategies for Students with Severe Disabilities - CANCELED
Early Childhood Networking Shareshop- Building Blocks for Teaching Preschoolers with Special Needs
Special Education Director Meeting
How to Think Functionally: Tying Together FBA/BIP & EBD for Students with Autism
School Leaders Network - 731-661
Early Childhood Consultation Network
Sample Class
FULL-Non Violent Crisis Intervention
Cancelled Lucy Calkins will reschedule at a later date.
PBIS U600 for New Team Members
Statewide Title I Data Analysis
Educational Programming and Instructional Strategies for Middle School / High School Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Counselor Cafe (AM)/Teen Intervene Training (PM) (5116) X
Teaching the Kid That Can't Sit
Teaching the Common Core State Standards in Math - 826-604
Counting What Counts: Exploring Our Beliefs As We Move Forward With Accessible Assessment and Data-
ELL Network Meeting
Grade 9-12 ELA Forum X
"Pyramid Response to Intervention RtI, PLC, and How to Respond When Kids Don't Learn" a book study
External Coaches Forum - October 30, 2012
Educator Effectiveness Systems Training X
PBIS Coaches Networking
Student Learning Objectives Value Added Days for K-12 Teachers
Gifted & Talented Coordinators Network Meeting
RESCHEDULED FOR DECEMBER 19TH! Job-Related Social Skills for Adolescents
Fall SLD Training
SEEDS Training
Encouraging Family Involvement in Your School
Music Apps for the iPad
Canceled - PD21-Google Apps for Education- Calendar, Groups and Other tools
Grades 1-3: Step by Step Model Drawing: Solving Word Problems
Differentiation & Assessment in Moodle
PBIS Tier 1-Day 3-733-696
Speech and Language Shareshop/Fall meeting of the S/L Leadership and PST Network via Mediasite live
Speech & Language Networking Meeting
POSTPONEDCoulee Online and Distance Learning Consortium
Social-Emotional Curriculum with Gifted and Talented Students
External Coaches Forum - October 30, 2012
Educator Effectiveness Systems Training X
Infinite Campus Assessment Workday
**CANCELLED** Wisconsin RtI School-Wide Implementation Review and Planning
Instructional Video Creation/Storage/Retrieval via Camtasia Relay/Ensemble/Moodle
WWEMC Advisory Board Meeting
Technology Coordinators Network Meeting #1
TSS Core Planning & Implementation Goup Meeting