
All Events

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Writing Workshop Series
Teachscape Evaluator Training
PBIS Tier 1/Universal Training (Rm 5)
Guided Reading; Grades 3-5
Diverse Learners Series X
CESA 10 Library Media Specialist Fall Meeting
Student AODA Mini Grant Writing Workshop
Infinite Campus - POS Reports (Webinar)
Teachscape Reflect for Evaluators
Number Talks Bookstudy
Coaching for SMART SLOs
Speech and Language Networking Meetings
EP Using Data to Guide the SLO Process
Fall Library Media Specialist & Technology Coordinators Meeting
Phonics Lessons: Letters, Words, and How They Work for Grades K-2
OT/PT Shareshop (CESA #12 OT/PT's in a.m. and all OT/PT's in p.m.
Google Docs in the Classroom -- Beyond the Basics
Infinite Campus - AdHoc Beginner: Filters, Letters and Data Viewer (Webinar)
EPIC Meeting #1
***CANCELLED*** Writing Essentials Book Study
aimsweb Training
Adolescent Literacy: Readers and Writers in All Classrooms with Kelly Gallagher X
Reaching Gifted Learners in the Regular Classroom: High Yield Strategies for Quality Tier 1 Instruction
School Psychologist Networking Meeting
Self-Regulation: Understand and Developing Strategies for Working with Children Preschool to 2nd Grade.
FULL DAY-PBIS/RtI Integrated Networking Session & Technical Assistance
PBIS Tier 1 Training C100 (3rd Cohort) X
AM ONLY-PBIS/RtI Integrated Networking Session & Technical Assistance
WMELS/CCSS Standards work for Early Literacy
Infinite Campus - AdHoc Beginner: Filters, Letters and Data Viewer (Webinar)
ECSE Outcomes Group
PM ONLY-PBIS/RtI Integrated Networking Session & Technical Assistance
Infinite Campus - Health Admin Setup (Webinar)
Adolescent Literacy: Readers and Writers in All Classrooms with Kelly Gallagher X
Nonviolent Crisis Intervention Training
CANCELLED - Putting It All Together: Reviewing SLOs and Assessment Strategies for Maximum Effectiveness - Mathematics 619-604
CANCELLED - A-Teams Forming NOW! Assessment Teams (10634)
**CANCELLED** Gradual Release of Responsibility and CCSS
Defined STEM
Google Bootcamp (2 Days) X
Putting It All Together: Reviewing SLOs and Assessment Strategies for Maximum Effectiveness - Science - 644-604
BadgerLink Resource Exploration
Initial Educator Support Seminar: Effective Educator Overview and Classroom Management
CANCELLED: Putting It All Together: Reviewing SLOs and Assessment Strategies for Maximum Effectiveness - ELA - 620-604
SLOs for Principals fee for service (Oshkosh)
Initial Educator Mentor Training
Carl Perkins Meeting X
EE Coaching Series, Cohort #1, Event #3
Title III Network
Math & Science SLO Follow-Up
ESL Networking X
Infinite Campus - Ad Hoc Intermediate: Data Analysis (Webinar)
PBIS Tier 2 Networking-523-696
Writing PDP Goal
Developing SLOs in Math and Science X
STW & YA Coordinators' Meeting
Leadership and Coaching (Crandon)
Title I Literacy Workshop (Rms 1/2) (10053)
Coaching Strategies to support Educator Effectiveness
PBIS Coach Network - Full Network Register Here Please
RtI Coach & Coordinator Network - Full Network Please Register Here
Information & Technology Plan Workday
**Cancelled** Using Video in the Classroom
PBIS Coach Network Meeting - This Meeting Date Only
RtI Coach & Coordinator Networking - This Meeting Date Only
iPad Foundations
LC Lucy Calkins Writing Workshop Grade K-8
EE Coaching Series, Cohort #2, Event #3
Communicating for Student Success
District Assessment Coordinator (DAC) Networking Updates
SLP Networking Meetings (Entire Series)
SLP Networking Meetings (OCTOBER 8, 2014 ONLY)
Technical Assistance and Support for Systems Integration-THIS MEETING ONLY
DPI Model Educator Effectiveness Networking Meeting
Educator Effectiveness Leadership Webinar
Number Talks Bookstudy
DLM Support
***CANCELLED*** Coaching Strategies to support Educator Effectiveness
Educational Programming and Instructional Strategies for Students with Autism
Infinite Campus - Managing and Using the Behavior Module (CESA 10)
Google Shareshop: CANCELLED due to low registration
Using Bar Models (and other Singapore Math Strategies) in the Math Classroom
Network of Literacy Administrators (NLA)
Leveled Literacy Intervention: Primary (Orange Green Blue) (Series One) - 639-604
Documenting Effective Practice: Collecting Evidence and Aligning It To the Danielson Framework
Tech Integration Specialists/ Tech Coaches Networking Group
Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM) Training
Infinite Campus - Health Office Tracking (Webinar)
Technology Coordinators Network Meeting
Early Childhood Networking (ECN)
Mentoring Essentials: Mentoring for Student Learning
Goal Approval
Autism Networking Meeting/ClassX
Learning & Assessment Center Meeting
Grief Counseling X
Library Media Specialist (LMS) Networking #1
**Cancelled** Infinite Campus - All Things Health (MKE Area)
DAC Network Meeting
***Cancelled***Student Learning Outcomes for Early Childhood and 4K Teachers
WMELS/CCSS Standards work for Early Literacy
AODA Consortium Grant Meeting
2014 ELL Fall Book Study - Online
Early Childhood Special Education Meeting
Curriculum Director's Support Network
School Counselor Networking
**Cancelled** Infinite Campus - Extra Curriculars (MKE area)
College and Career Readiness Partnership Regional Event
CANCELLED-Formative Assessment in Mathematics with Cheryl Tobey - 629-604
Formative Assessment in Mathematics with Cheryl Tobey
Personalized Learning Boot Camp (10724) (Rms1/2)
Infinite Campus - Managing and Using the Behavior Module (CESA 7)
How to Write a PDP Goal (For Initial Educators)
**CANCELLED** GRADES 6-12 - Curriculum Companion Resource Dig and Share
Fall Counselors Workshop
Using PALS Data to Drive Instruction Grades 1 & 2 X
CANCELLED-Google Apps for Education-525-611
Speech and Language Networking Meeting
Infinite Campus - Behavior Tracking & Reporting (Webinar)
College and Career Readiness Partnership Regional Event
Reviewing K-5 Universal Reading Instruction (Delavan)
Personalized Learning Action Network Seminar #1 (10806) Rms 1/2
Infinite Campus - End of Term (CESA 7)
Infinite Campus - End of Term (CESA 10)
Flipped 411: Engaging Students and Breaking Down Classroom Walls
Writers Workshop Instructional Day
Using PALS Data to Drive Instruction for Grades 1 & 2
GRADES K-12 - Curriculum Companion Resource Dig and Share
Build Your Own Curriculum (BYOC) Network
Gifted and Talented Coordinator Meeting X
Infinite Campus - Walk in Scheduler (Webinar)
PBIS Tier 1 Administrative Overview
DPI Educator Effectiveness: Digging into the Principal Practice Framework
Teachscape Reflect Training X
2014-15 Special Education Networking Sessions- Via Distance - Blackboard Collaborate
Preparing for PDP Verification
(1 day) Autism CPI Certification/ or Refresher
Reviewing K-5 Universal Reading Instruction (Delavan)
School Nurse Network
Non Violent Crisis Intervention - Initial Two Day Course
EP SAPES Training AM only (CESA 6) Oshkosh
Building Successful Mathematics Intervention Programs: Following Up on Cathy Fosnot's Workshop - 646-604
Preparing for PDP Verification for Admin.
**CANCELLED** Using PALS Data to Drive Instruction - GRADES 1 & 2
School Psychologist Meeting
***CANCELLED*** Math Add+Vantage Follow-Up
Aligning Assessment and Instruction to Smarter Balanced - Grades 3-5 X
Gifted & Talented Students Program Grant for CESA 6
PAC (Professional Advisory Committee) Meeting X
Principal Learning Network
EP SAPES Training-PM MLP Support (CESA 6)
Wisconsin Infinite Campus Special Ed User Group Meeting
Writing a PDP
Family and Consumer Science Meeting X
Literacy Beginnings
Being Indispensable: A School Librarian's Guide to Becoming an Invaluable Leader
CTE Network Night #1
College and Career Readiness Partnership Regional Event
PBIS Tier 1/RtI Integrated Networking-512-696
(Ashland) 6 and 12 Strategies for Behavior Interventions
Non Violent Crisis Intervention - Initial Two Day Course
LITERACY LINK: A Multi-Sensory Approach to Sound Symbols Connection
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources DPI Updates
World Language Curriculum Connection
LC Running Records without Running Crazy K-2 (LLI)
Cancelled Using PALS Data to Drive Instruction for Grades 1 & 2
LC Network for Read 180 Teachers
EC Literacy: The Science of Reading
Every Child Hearing; Every Child Learning: Auditory Access (AM Session)
Infinite Campus - End of Term (Webinar)
PBIS Tier 1 Coaches Meeting-522-696
DAC Network Meeting
Educator Effectiveness Coaches Meeting
Every Child Hearing; Every Child Learning: Auditory Access (PM Session)
SLO Review and Feedback Network Night
***CANCELLED*** Writing Essentials Book Study
College and Career Readiness Partnership Regional Event
CESA #12 Professional Advisory Council (PAC) Meeting
ECCAN Literacy Networking
(Oshkosh) 6 and 12 Strategies for Behavior Interventions
LITERACY LINK: A Multi-Sensory Approach to Sound Symbols Connection
EP SAPES Training-AM only (CESA 1)
World Language Curriculum Connection
Digging into the Common Core for Mathematical Practice
LC Guided Reading Plus
**CANCELLED** (Minocqua) Emerging Drug Trends
WMELS/CCSS Standards work for Early Literacy
Google Drive & Sites-Level 2-526-611
Visual Phonics with Sandi Snow, MA
Technology Coordinators Network Meeting #1
Early Childhood Meetings-534-662
EP SAPES Training-PM MLP Support (CESA 1)
Oconto County/LEA Interagency Agreement Meeting
Early Childhood Curriculum & Assessment Network (ECCAN)-535-662
Google Apps for Education-week-ends with 3 credit option-532-611
All Staff Meeting
Disciplinary Literacy & Assessment for CTE
Wisconsin RtI Framework: A Systems Approach to RtI (Middleton)
Woodcock-Johnson IV Training
Using the Reports in ISES X
Applying Disciplinary Literacy
Infinite Campus - Grad Progress Setup (Webinar)
Digital Tools For Writing Across The Curriculum:CANCELED due to LOW Registraiton
Art Teacher Gathering
Writing a High Quality Professional Development Plan
Culturally Responsive Classroom Practices (La Crosse/Onalaska)
Wisconsin RtI Framework: A Systems Approach to RtI (Middleton)
Infinite Campus - Basic AdHoc (CESA 10)
Ensuring Accuracy With Your ISES Data
Kompas Care Consortium SBS/Medicaid Financial Workshop
Google Apps!
RESCHEDULED: Emily Morgan Presents: Picture Perfect Science Lessons
ELL/Title III Coordinators Meeting - 648-067
Tech Coordinators
Literacy Beginnings
Writing a High Quality Professional Development Plan
Culturally Responsive Classroom Practices (Appleton)
CPI - Crisis Prevention Intervention Initial Training
Orientation to Mentoring (Rms 1/2)
(Whitewater) School SBIRT Training (Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment)
U600: New Team Members Training
Social Skills Instruction: Curriculum and Best Practice
Literacy Leaders Network #1
Safe and Healthy Schools Network Meeting
Kompas Care Cost Report MeetingX
What is Number Sense?
ACCESS Test Administrators Certification Training
Youth Leadership Training 6th - 8th Grade Students X
**CANCELLED** Using the Tech Tools of Online Assessments in Your Classroom Now!
Clark County Interagency Agreement Meeting
Infinite Campus - Custom Fields, Tabs and Links (Webinar)
New Special Ed Directors' MeetingX
Curriculum Companion for New Hires Mini-Web Series
First Year Educator Support Seminar X
Elementary Principals' Network Meeting
Culturally Responsive Classroom Practices (Milwaukee)
CPI - Crisis Prevention Intervention Initial Training
Leadership and Coaching (Brown Deer)
(Oshkosh) 6 and 12 Strategies for Behavior Interventions
Writing PDP Goal for Administrators
LC Comprehension Toolkit: Developing Language and Lessons for Active Literacy and Meeting the needs of RtI-Grades 3-6
iPad Apps for Music Teachers
Gifted & Talented Network
Initial Training - Nonviolent Crisis Prevention Training
Fundamentals of IEP WritingX
PDP Writing Session X
Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM)X
***CANCELLED*** Writing Essentials Book Study
Writing a PDP
Refresher Training - Nonviolent Crisis Prevention Training
Culturally Responsive Classroom Practices (Madison)
*Canceled*Restorative Practices Training & Support Strategies*Canceled*
Regional Service Network Meeting
Literacy Explorations: An Early Childhood Approach
CANCELLED-iPads for Teaching and Learning-Beyond the Basics-527-611
Early Childhood/4K MeetingX
Evaluator Networking--DPI Ed Effectiveness X
Infinite Campus - AdHoc Intermediate: Functions & Logic (Webinar)
Speech and Language Network
Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards Training
Dynamic Learning Map Proctor Training
DAC Meeting
(West Salem) School SBIRT Training (Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment)
EE Support for Superintendents - DPI Model
**CANCELLED** Curriculum Companion Grade Band Meeting (PRIMARY - Grades K-5)
Number Talks (Grades K-2)
Teaching Science with NGSS X
Exploring Autism 101
CESA 6 Educator Effectiveness X
Step 4 and Navigating Teachscape - 651-608
Using a Chromebook
EE Support for Superintendents - CESA 6 Model
Adlai Stevenson High School Visit
Active Shooter Response Training Instructor Course
Infinite Campus - FDF Creation (CESA 5)
Best Practices in IEP Writing - (2-Day Workshop)
**CANCELLED** Understanding and Creating Performance Tasks for Mathematics
**CANCELLED*** Curriculum Companion Grade Band Meeting (SECONDARY - Grades 6-12)
Number Talks (Grades K-2)
ELL Network Meeting
NEW LOCATION-College and Career Ready Through Self-Advocacy
GT Network Meeting
Family and Consumer Sciences and Health Science-529-701
Teachscape Dig for Teachers, Principals, and Superintendents
DAC Professional Development Networking Sessions (Rms 1/2)
Assessment to Drive Instruction X
Eau Claire County Interagency Agreement Meeting
Teaching and Supporting New Behaviors - DPI Two Day Autism Conference
Sheltering Instruction for English Learners
GT Book Study
Rusk County Interagency Agreement Meeting
Reflecting in Your Practice: PDP Overview
Autism Network Night (OCTOBER 28th ONLY)
Autism Network Nights (ENTIRE SERIES)
BOC Meeting
Teaching and Supporting New Behaviors - DPI Two Day Autism Conference
Active Shooter Response Training Instructor Course
LLI - Exploring Instructional Strategies
Successful Life Outcomes for Students with Emotional Behavioral Disabilities
Infinite Campus - FDF Creation (CESA 10)
Number Talks (Grades 3-5)
Family & Consumer Sciences Fall Workshop
Initial Educator Mentor Training
Literacy Beginnings
CESA 8 Annual Board Leadership Training
Non Violent Crisis Intervention-519-674
AODA Coordinators Meeting
Separating Difference From Disability
CANCELLED Mental Health Work Group Meeting
Number Talks (Grades 3-5)
IEP Training
Evaluating Your School Principals X
Social Studies in Action X
SLOs for Ed Specialists
Collaborative Learning and Productive Group Work
EBD Networking
2014-2015 Educator Support Seminars - Parent Communication...
***CANCELLED*** Writing Essentials Book Study
**Cancelled** Infinite Campus - Extra Curriculars (CESA 5)
Family & Consumer Science / Health Sciences DPI Updates