
All Events

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Learning by Doing
iTASC District Contact Meeting X
Title I Orientation
PALS Training - 809-604
PALS Training for Kindergarten Teachers
Benchmark Assessment training
Leveled Literacy Intervention Gr. K - 3
New Title I Coordinators Meeting
Student AODA Mini Grant Writing Workshop
Infinite Campus Behavior
Title I Coordinators Meeting 808-600
Leveled Literacy Intervention
PAC (Professional Advisory Committee) Meeting X
SEEDS Facelift Training (Secretaries ONLY)
W-APT Training
PBIS Tier 1 C100 Coaching and Administration Training
Leveled Literacy Intervention Training K-2 (6 days)
Welcome Back Title I Teachers
Job Coaching Training (2-day training)
Orientation Day for Mentors and Mentees X
SEEDS Training
PALS for Kindergarten: Phonological Awareness Literacy Screening
PALS Training for Kindergarten Teachers
SEEDS Facelift Training (Open AM Session)
SEEDS Facelift Training (Open PM Session)
High School Reform Committee Meeting
Early Childhood Special Education Indicator Training
CANCELLED-Offered on October 2, 2012-Designing Units of Instruction
PBIS Tier 1 Administrative Overview-713-906
RSN Meeting
Job Coaching Training (2-day training)
GT Coordinators Meeting (4648) X
MVGTN Meeting
Materials Science Center Teacher Workshop
Web-based Meeting Technology Training for Guidance Counselors
Infinite Campus State Reporting for New Users
***CANCELLED*** DITEP (Drug Identification Training) - 2 day training
Fall Two-Day Mentor Training X
PALS Training
PBIS Tier 1 Training for New Team Members-706-696
Good Habits, Great Readers Book Study
Autism Workshop
Designing Quality Elementary School Schedules
***CANCELLED*** DITEP (Drug Identification Training) - 2 day training
Understanding the New School Report Card - 811-604
CANCELLED!! WILL BE RESCHEDULED IN THE SPRING!! 5-Part Webinar Series on Self-Advocacy Skills for Students with Disabilities
Fall Two-Day Mentor Training X
SMART Board Introductory Training
***CANCELLED*** Professional Learning Comunity (PLC) Administrative Leadership Team Series
AODA Student Mini Grant Writing Workshop x
Identifying Community Strengths-McKnight
TSS Core Planning & Implementation Goup Meeting
SWIS Facilitator Training - September 19, 2012
SIS Meeting
Scheduling Strategies for Middle Schools
CESA 10 Educational Technology Services Annual Meeting
cancelled Building Leaders for Today and Tomorrow (3 session (video only) package
SMART Board-Level 1Training - 709-611
How to Think Functionally: Tying Together FBA/BIP & EBP for Students with Autism 5039 X
Trends and Issues in High School Scheduling
Autism Networking Meeting (4206) X
Fall 2012 Book Study X
PBIS U100: Developing Your Tier 1 Universal System - Day 1 and 2
SWIS Facilitator Training - September 19, 2012
Designing Quality Elementary School Schedules
CANCELLED--Learning Math With Success - Grades K-5
SMART Board Interactive Whiteboard
iPad Basics from A-Z-715-611
CANCELLED PD21-Google Apps for Education - Docs
RtI Networking Meeting
Title I Coordinators Fall Meeting
ELL Network Meeting
Initial Training - Nonviolent Crisis Prevention Training
PALS Training for Kindergarten Teachers
PBIS Networking Meeting
Initial Educator Support Seminar #1 Parent Teacher Conferences
PDP Writing Session X
Refresher Training - Nonviolent Crisis Prevention Training
1st Year Educator Support Seminars X
Professional Advisory Council Meeting TO BE HELD IN MADISON
PBIS U100: Developing Your Tier 1 Universal System - Day 1 and 2
Foundations in Mentoring and Peer Coaching
SWIS Facilitator Training - September 19, 2012
Scheduling Strategies for Middle Schools
Learning and Assessment Center
Curriculum-Based Measurement (CBM)
Safe Schools Network Meeting
CESA 4 Title I FALL Coordinator's Workshop
Trends and Issues in High School Scheduling
The Daily 5 & CAFÉ Continuing Professional Development
Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorder Including Asperger Syndrome and High Functioning Autism
SMART Board Interactive Whiteboard
PALS (4741) X
PALS Training for Kindergarten Teachers
PBIS Coaches Networking-726-696
Title III-A ELL Fall Networking Meeting
"Pyramid Response to Intervention RtI, PLC, and How to Respond When Kids Don't Learn" a book study
Good Habits, Great Readers Book Study
Writing PDP Goal
Beyond Diversity I Training
Math Center
Title I New Coordinators Meeting
Google Forms and Spreadsheets
CAT #1 Event ID (3411) X
Maximize Your Touch Using iPads/iPods ~ Special Education Emphasis
School Psychologist Shareshop
Information Sharing Session on CESA 8 IDEA Third Party Grant Management of FT/EC Ent.
Title I Teacher/Coordinators Networking Meeting
Speech Language Network Meetings (Entire Series)
Speech Language Network Meeting (September 25th ONLY)
Preparing for PDP Verification
Beyond Diversity I Training
EC Indicator Training - 801-662
Infinite Campus State Reporting Workshop
Real Colors
Statewide Title I - Supporting the Mathematical Practices
How to Write a PDP for 2nd and 3rd Year Initial Educators
Maximize Your Touch ~ Using iPads/iPods within the High School Classroom
Self Assessment-588-661
Title I Network Meeting (4772) X
Introduction to iPads in the Classroom
Powerful Reading Strategies for the World Language Classroom
PALS Training for Kindergarten Teachers
PALS - 815-604
AS50 1/2 Day Tier 1 Administrative Overview
Kompas Care Training 5085 X
RSN Network
FCS Networking Meeting X
Goal Approval
PBIS Tier 2/3 Administrative Overview
PBIS Administrative Overview
School Psychology Networking Meeting featuring Kathryn Bush, DPI
Title I Coordinator Orientation
Physical Education Curriculum Mapping
Google Apps for Education
PD21-Ipad Revolution in the Classroom - an Introduction (4665) X
Title III Networking Meeting (4687) X
School Report Card Data Dig, AM Session
PALS for Kindergarten: Phonological Awareness Literacy Screening
PBIS Coaches Networking Meeting
School Report Card Data Dig, PM Session
Non Violent Crisis Intervention
Implementing Common Core Literacy Standards
AT Network
PBIS Booster Training for New Team Members
Regional Service Network (RSN) Meeting
Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) in the Classroom
Special Education Director Meeting
How to Write a PDP for 2nd and 3rd Year Initial Educators
RSN Meeting
Introduction to iPads in the Classroom
Principal's Network Meeting
Interpreting the New School Report Card (AM)
Self-Assessment: Sampling for Evaluations & IEPs (5200)
Math Competition Grades 5 & 6 (4650) X
Interpreting the New School Report Card (PM)
RtI and PBIS Overview - September 29, 2012