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Systems Coaching in a RtI Framework
Wisconsin RtI Foundational Overview:
Shifts in the Common Core State Standards X
ACCESS Test Admin Training
Digging Deeper into the CCSS for Mathematics for Grades K - 2
Medicaid Cost Report Refresher w/ Kompas CareX
PBIS Coaches Networking Meeting
CDS Networking Meeting #2 - South Location
Initial Educator Support Seminar: Bullying
Donalyn Miller - Creating a Classroom Where Readers Flourish
Wisconsin RtI Foundational Overview:
Differentiating with the Common Core State Standards in Math - 828-604
PBIS Tier 2-Day 4-745-696
Title I Coordinator Meeting - 816-600
Reading Network - Day 2
Foreign Language Formative Assessment
Leveled Literacy Intervention Network
PD21-Google Apps for Education - Docs X
Grade 6-8 ELA Forum X
Digging Deeper into the CCSS for Mathematics for Grades 3 - 5
Kompas Care Service Plan Initial Training
Words Hurt - Youth Leadership Training
CDS Networking Meeting #2 - North Location - CANCELED
A Framework for K-12 Science Education: Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, and Core Ideas (2012)
Systems Coaching in a RtI Framework
Effective Practices for DPI's PTP: Postsecondary Transition Plan
Non Violent Crisis Intervention (NVCI) Initial Training 2 Days
Grades 3-6: Why Before How, Singapore Math Computational Strategies
PBIS Coaches Networking-726-696
Reniassance Learning Workshop
Common Core Essential ElementsX
Cancelled Using PALS to Drive Instruction
WWEMC Advisory Board Mtg
***CANCELLED*** Administrators & Principals Writing PDP Goal
Quiz Bowl Grades 7 & 8 at Lenz Center X
Autism Networking Meeting (4207)X
Physical Education Formative Assessment
That's a Wrap! PDP Verification Workshop
LITERACY LINK: A Multi-Sensory Approach to Sound Symbol Connections
Non Violent Crisis Intervention (NVCI) Initial Training 2 Days
Effectiveness Project Calibration Training for Evaluators
Information and Technology Plan Workday
CAT #3 X
Regional Service Network (RSN) Meeting
iPad Basics for Educators
***CANCELLED*** RtI Networking Day AM Session (Elementary)
Administrators & Principals Preparing for PDP Verification
***CANCELLED*** RtI Networking Day PM Session (MS & HS)
PDP Question and Answer
ECCAN (4/18 with EC Forum)
Project Lead The Way Grant Meeting
Systems Coaching in a RtI Framework
2012-2013 Early Childhood Special Education Indicators Training
LITERACY LINK: A Multi-Sensory Approach to Sound Symbol Connections
Effectiveness Project Calibration Training for Evaluators
ECSE Networking Meeting
ACCESS Administration Training, Session One
Personal Financial Literacy Network Seminar
Early Childhood Networking Shareshop: ITINERANT TEACHING
Early Childhood Networking - 803-680
Non-Violent Crisis Intervention Trng Refresher 5043X
Universal Design Training
RtI for Early Childhood-746-662
ACCESS Administration Training, Session Two
PBIS Coach Networking X Cancelled
Coaches Networking Meetings (PBIS)
Survey of Elementary Reading Program and Practices
Survey of Elementary Reading Program and Practices
Math Curriculum Camp X
***CANCELLED*** Disciplinary Literacy: CCSS By Doug Buehl
PBIS U100/U200 Universal Tier 1 Training K-12
**CANCELLED** Discipline Literacy and RtI for Tier I
ELL Network Meeting
CANCELED- C3 Social Studies Standards Listening/Feedback Session
PALS - So You Have the Data; Now What? 838-604
Coulee Online & Distance Learning Consortium Meeting
Classroom Climate Support Seminar For Initial Educators
Systems Coaching in a RtI Framework
IEP, PTP, TR4Y, Oh My!
Gifted and Talented Network
ELA Curriculum Camp X
STW Designee Meeting 4500 X
Disciplinary Literacy: CCSS By Doug Buehl
Infinite Campus FDF Forms
Supporting Players (Two-day Training)
WISEdash, MDAT, and the SAFE Training for Administrators
Google Sites for Classroom Content Management
IEP Basics: Tools & Tips (2-day training)
SMARTNotebook Beginner Level 1
Investigation into Assistive Technology
Mastering the Cloud: Moving Content Between iPads and Other Classroom Technologies - 832-686
Introduction to Student ePortfolios Using Google Sites
A Framework for K-12 Science Education: Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, and Core Ideas (2012)
Brain Works: Preparing Students for Learning (Lodi)
Autism Network Nights (December 11th ONLY)
RESCHEDULED - CESA Purchasing Meeting X
Leveled Literacy Intervention Red - Grade 3 (6 days)
Disciplinary Literacy: CCSS By Doug Buehl
Infinite Campus Parental Communications
Exploring Red Leveled Literacy Intervention (LLI) for Third Grade - 829-601
Wisconsin Comprehensive School Counseling Model
Title III Networking Meeting X CANCELED
Adolescent Literacy Network
Exploring SLOs: A Teacher's View
Please Teach Me to Communicate-740-661
IPad Starters
Fall 2012 Book Study X
Systems Coaching in a RtI Framework
PARASeries #2 - Basic Skills
Canceled - RtI School-Wide Implementation Review and Planning
PBIS New Coaches Orientation Nuts & Bolts (C100) for High School
Reviewing Your School's K-5 Universal Reading Instruction
CANCELED PD21-Get Smart: SMART Boards in the Classroom Level 1
rescheduled for Feb 21st- CCSS/Smarter Balanced: How to Teach Elementary Keyboarding
SLD Rule Training-732-661
Wisconsin Comprehensive School Counseling Model
SMART Board-Level 1-748-611
Speech Language Network Meetings (Entire Series)
Speech Language Network Meeting (December 13th ONLY)
PDP Writing Session X
1st Year Educator Support Seminars X
*** CANCELLED *** Social Studies Draft Standards Feedback Session
Systems Coaching in a RtI Framework
CPI Nonviolent Crisis Intervention Training
High School Reform Committee Meeting
PBIS New Coaches Orientation: Nuts & Bolts (C100)
Learning and Assessment Center
Reviewing Your School's K-5 Universal Reading Instruction
RSN Meeting
RSN Meeting
GT Training for William and Mary Units
Principal's Network Meeting
Google Apps for Education-747-611
PALS - So You Have the Data; Now What? 839-604
Special Education Leadership Mtg. 5033 X
RSN Meeting - Barb Behlen
WI Early Childhood Indicator Training
Non Violent Crisis Intervention
Interactive Curriculum Using SMARTboard - Level 1
SkillsUSA for Students & GT Meeting X
Cesa #4 PBIS Coaches Network Meetings-12/17 only
CESA #4 PBIS Coaches Networking Meetings-Entire series
Curriculum Directors Support Series
PBIS Tier 2 Secondary Four day Training (S100/S200/S300/S301)
Reading Workshop in the Intermediate Grades
***CANCELLED*** Professional Learning Comunity (PLC) Administrative Leadership Team Series
Promethean Board Training
CANCELED - PD21 - iPads for Administrators
Exploring Autism Spectrum Disorder 101
Peer Drama Training (5565) X
Using Assessment To Guide Instruction
Technology Coordinators Share Shop
Literacy Leadership Specialists Network
A Framework for K-12 Science Education: Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, and Core Ideas (2012)
Job-Related Social Skills for Adolescents
Math Support in Title I
Reading Workshop in the Intermediate Grades
PD21 - Google Apps for Education Control Panel (5417) X
Converting to School-Wide Title I
Maximize Your Touch Using iPads/iPods within the Early Elementary Classroom
iPads for ALL Learners
4Schools User Group Meeting - CESA 6 Districts
PAC (Professional Advisory Committee) Meeting X
PD21 - Bring Your Own Device/Network - Round-Table Discussion
Intro to PDP
*Cancelled* SMART Board Advanced
Special Education Director Meeting
Professional Advisory Council Meeting
Introduction to Moodle -- Day 1 (this is a 2-day workshop)