
Wisconsin RtI Foundational Overview:

Developing Your Elementary School's Multi-level System of Support

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Registration Closed.
Last Date to Register: 11/30/2012 12:01 AM
Last Date to Cancel: 12/1/2012 12:01 AM
Agency: CESA 10
Agency Contact: Betty J Holler
Location: The Plaza Hotel and Suites
1202 W Clairemont Avenue
Eau Claire WI 54701, WI 54701
Facility: Two Rivers Two
12/3/2012 08:30 AM - 03:30 PM
12/4/2012 08:30 AM - 03:30 PM


This TWO-DAY, TEAM-BASED workshop provides  elementary school leadership teams with the fundamental 

knowledge and resources to develop their school’s RtI system 

Who Should Attend
Elementary School-level leadership teams of three or more, to include:
* Principal (essential)
* General education and special education teachers
* Specialists in the content area (either mathematics or reading) addressed by the school during this workshop.  Examples include reading specialist, Title I   mathematics instructors, pupil services, gifted and talented coordinator, etc...

Teams will leave with:
* An in-depth understanding of Wisconsin’s vision for Response to Intervention (RtI)
* Take-away activities, materials, and resources to support staff awareness, buy-in, and implementation of Wisconsin’s RtI framework
* A map and baseline assessment of their elementary school’s current RtI framework  implementation in either reading or mathematics
* An RtI action plan linked to existing school improvement goals and actions for either reading or mathematics
* Complete a baseline assessment of your school’s RtI implementation using the School-wide Implementation Review.

What to Bring
Due to the interactive nature of this training, school leadership teams should bring:
* A laptop with wireless connectivity
* A data projector
* The school’s improvement goals and plans
* Student achievement goals and/or school-level trend data for either reading or mathematics (e.g. aggregated and disaggregated WKCE or benchmark assessment results).