
Using MAP Data to Write SLOs (Rms 1/2)


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Registration Closed.
Last Date to Register: 6/23/2014 12:01 AM
Last Date to Cancel: 6/24/2014 12:01 AM
Agency: CESA 9
Agency Contact: Linda Myers
Agency Assistant: Kristine Peeters 715-365-4416
Audience: Users of the MAP Assessment, District Assessment Leaders, CESA School Improvement Staff
Location: CESA 9
304 Kaphaem Road
Tomahawk, WI 54487
Facility: Rooms 1/2
6/26/2014 09:00 AM - 12:00 PM

No single assessment should be the only data point
utilized.  Each has its designed purpose and best practice of use.
Use multiple assessments that support and inform each other.
All assessments contain measurement error.
Wisconsin DPI information (from their website) regarding the use of MAP data to create SLOs.
NWEA official position regarding using MAP data to
evaluate educators.
NWEA work with Teacher Effectiveness in SLO states and Teacher Quality (non-SLO) states.
Client-Server and Web Based differences and partner
migration direction of NWEA.

Participants will receive:
Insight into the NWEA interpretation regarding the difference between the SLO looking-forward system of Teacher Effectiveness (“How can we adjust teaching and learning during the coming year to improve student performance?”) and other looking backward systems (“How did our students perform this year?”).

A review of NWEA norming methodology, NWEA growth norms and NWEA growth calculator tools.

Hands on activities with NWEA growth norms.

Hands on activities using sample MAP data to help school personnel create SLOs.

Norms Review:
NWEA Norming Process/Schedule
Status Norms
Growth Norms
How NWEA calculates growth
Growth Trajectories
Typical/Appropriate Growth
Using BOTH Status and Growth Norms in our SLO work
NWEA Norm Calculators—their function & use in our SLO work

MAP Report for SLO Creating/Evaluation:
Accessing Reports Client-Server
Accessing Reports Web-Based (include a brief look at the videos located in every MARC site)
Summary Reports – how they are alike, how they are different and when to utilize them.

Audience: Users of the MAP Assessment, District Assessment Leaders, CESA School Improvement Staff

Facilitator: NWEA Staff

Cost: FREE


-CANCELLATION POLICY- Unless otherwise noted, if we receive your cancellation at least 48 hours before the program begins, you will qualify for a full refund. If you do not show up or cancel prior to the 48 hour time frame, you are subject to a $25.00 late cancellation fee. -DISCLAIMERS- CESA 9 will make every effort to accommodate basic dietary restrictions with advance notice. CESA 9 does not assume liability for adverse reactions to food one may come into contact with at a CESA 9 event. To better serve our guests with dietary restrictions, please update the special accommodations section in your MyQuickReg account. By registering for an event with CESA 9, participants agree to grant to CESA 9 and its authorized representatives permission to record digital photos and/or video, of their participation. Participants further agree that any or all of the material photographed may be used, in any form, as part of any future publications, brochure, or other printed materials used to promote CESA 9, and further that such use shall be without payment of fees, royalties, special credit or other compensation. If you do not wish to have your photo or image used, please call the CESA 9 office.