
(Day 3) WSPEI District Liaison Training (CESA #1)

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Registration Closed.
Last Date to Register: 3/23/2014 12:01 AM
Last Date to Cancel: 3/23/2014 12:01 AM
Agency: WSPEI
Agency Contact: CHERI SYLLA
Agency Assistant: HOLLY LAUER 262-787-9500 Ext. x9532
Location: CESA #1
Facility: CESA #1 Office, Pewaukee
3/22/2014 08:00 AM - 01:00 PM Add'l Training for DFELs from 1-2pm

Transition Planning for Students with Disabilities & their Families (for DFELs and public).

Training Time:  8am - 1pm (public), 8am - 2pm (DFELs)

Who Should Attend: 
Parents, family members, school staff, and agency personnel.

Cheri Sylla and Amy Elfner, CESA #1 WSPEI Family Engagement Coordinators and
Deb Hall, CESA #2 WSPEI Family Engagement Coordinator. 

Transition is one of the most important times of a student's school career. Planning for transition from high school to the adult world of work, post-secondary education and training, and independent living takes a team of people helping the student along the way. This training will provide participants with information on IDEA and the Rehab Act, the two laws that overlap the transition process. Participants will learn about the elements of transition, receive an overview of the new Postsecondary Transition Plan (PTP) online program that school districts use, and will leave with resources and knowledge on how to develop a solid transition plan.


This workshop is supported by the Wisconsin Statewide Parent-Educator Initiative (WSPEI) grant. 

Special Education
Parent Involvementpercent of parents of children with IEPs reporting satisfaction with parent involvement