
Personalized Learning Network - Day 1 - Staging for Commitment

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Registration Closed.
Last Date to Register: 3/19/2014 12:01 AM
Last Date to Cancel: 3/13/2014 12:01 AM
Agency: CESA 8
Agency Contact: Sharon Quade
Agency Assistant: Kathy Paitl 9208552114 Ext. 222
Location: CESA 8
223 West Park Street
Gillett, WI 54124
Facility: Aspen
3/20/2014 08:30 AM - 03:30 PM

Day 1 - Staging for Commitment
March 20, 2014,  8:30 AM - 3:30 PM


This session will hone in on the critical pieces to understanding the work that will take place under the Personalized Learning Action Network. It will focus on the readiness, commitment, and preparation needed to create an effective action network and launch your efforts to personalize learning for your students. This full-day workshop will address:

  • Overview of the work to gain a shared understanding of personalized learning
  • Network role, levels of engagements, norms of operation
  • Readiness tool - diagnosis
  • Innovation paths - based on a district's culture and situation 
  • Analysis of video examples of personalized learning
  • Overview of research supporting the work

This session can be useful whether you know you are committed to personalized learning and the action network or if you are still unsure. After this session, expect to have the clarity needed to make a decision regarding moving forward with an action network focused on personalized learning. This session is critical to have a shared understanding of the Action Network and the vision of personalized learning. This will be the basis of the collaborative work of the Network. The Action Network will help accelerate results and scaling ? even at different points, we can all benefit from learning from each other. Who should attend: District teams made up of a core group of the Superintendent, 1 or 2 key district office administrators, 1 or 2 key principals & teacher leaders.

Cost: $100.00 per participant, per workshop

Day 2 - Project Preparation and Design Session
Date May 5, 2014 -, 8:30 AM – 3:30 PM

This first part of this day will delve deeper into the steps and process of designing personalized learning. Participants will engage in activities around the Design Principles and team thinking on entry points to leverage. Deeper information will be provided on the implications of technology and personalization for 21st century learners. Developing Learner’s Profiles and strategies for fostering independence of learners will also be examined. The second part of the day will provide “hands-on” time to design and plan, whether initially planning a project, evaluating or redesigning. Staff will be on-hand for coaching and support as the team plans and designs their work for the year.

Districts in the past have found this time to be useful to get work done: uninterrupted time away from your district with staff available to coach and support!

Who should attend: District and/or school teams that will discuss, plan or review a project related to the Personalized Learning Initiative.

Cost: $100.00 per participant, per workshop

CANCELLATION POLICY: Any registration cancellation must be received 7 days prior to the scheduled date to receive a refund or avoid invoicing. CESA 8 will only provide full refund of registration fees depending on individual circumstances. Refunds depend upon the ability of CESA 8 to cancel any financial obligations created by the registration such as meals, materials, etc. Registered participants not in attendance on the day of the session will be charged the full registration fee. CESA 8 reserves the right to cancel any session due to insufficient enrollment or inclement weather. Participants will be notified via email through if a cancellation occurs. Please make sure all of your contact information is correct in DIETARY ACCOMMODATIONS: Due to varied dietary restrictions, CESA 8 cannot guarantee that all special dietary accommodations can be met. CESA 8 makes every effort to accommodate basic dietary restrictions with advance notice, but please plan accordingly. BY REGISTERING FOR THIS EVENT YOU CONSENT TO PHOTOGRAPHS/VIDEOTAPE taken during the course for publicity, promotional, and/or educational purposes including but not limited to publications, presentations, newsletters, internet, and social media sources. I do this with full knowledge and consent to waive all claims for compensation for the use or for damages. If you do not consent to this statement, please send a written notice via email to the agency contact listed on the workshop posting.