
Disciplinary Literacy: CCSS by Doug Buehl

Social Studies, Business & Marketing Teachers

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Registration Closed.
Last Date to Register: 10/2/2013 12:01 AM
Last Date to Cancel: 10/1/2013 12:01 AM
Agency: CESA 10
Agency Contact: Paula Harms
Agency Assistant: Judy Doro 715-861-6982
Audience: Social Studies, Business & Marketing Teachers
Location: CESA 10
725 West Park Avenue
Chippewa Falls, WI 54729
Facility: Conference Center (Rooms 1-2-3)
10/3/2013 08:30 AM - 03:00 PM

Social Studies, Business & Marketing Teachers

Doug Buehl will help secondary school teachers translate the literacy standards into meaningful subject-area literacy instruction in middle and high school classrooms. He will offer theory and research-warranted teaching practices in a humorous, conversational voice, yet make a clear case for teaching students how to read as an act of inquiry, a central requirement for disciplinary literacy. He will demonstrate how people read for varied purposes in varied domains and how people engage in particular practices associated with those purposes and domains. He will also show teachers how to replicate the inquiry practices - including those involving written and other text forms - that members of the academic disciplines and associated professions engage in their daily work and strategies for inviting students to engage in this process and thereby enhancing both the student’s literacy skills as well as increase their engagement and understanding within the academic content itself. Doug is the author of a new book entitled "Developing Readers in the Academic Disciplines." Strategies will be specific for Technical Education, Physical Education, Music and Art teachers. Participants should bring along a copy of the English/ Language Arts Common Core State Standards (pages 60 - 99) or have access to them electronically.

Learning Outcomes:
Academic teachers will…
1. Become aware of the need to address disciplinary literacy within their content.
2. Learn strategies for apprenticing readers, writers, and thinkers in disciplinary literacy.
3. Learn activities that build academic knowledge and inquiring minds through instructional use of complex texts.

Lunch Provided


Teacher Standards
WES1The teacher understands the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the disciplines he or she teaches and can create learning experiences that make these aspects of subject matter meaningful for pupils.
WES3The teacher understands how pupils differ in their approaches to learning and the barriers that impede learning and can adapt instruction to meet the diverse needs of pupils, including those with disabilities and exceptionalities.
WES4The teacher understands and uses a variety of instructional strategies, including the use of technology to encourage children’s development of critical thinking, problem solving, and performance skills.
WES5The teacher uses an understanding of individual and group motivation and behavior to create a learning environment that encourages positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self-motivation.
WES6The teacher uses effective verbal and nonverbal communication techniques as well as instructional media and technology to foster active inquiry, collaboration, and supportive interaction in the classroom.
WES7The teacher organizes and plans systematic instruction based upon knowledge of subject matter, pupils, the community, and curriculum goals.
WES8The teacher understands and uses formal and informal assessment strategies to evaluate and ensure the continuous intellectual, social, and physical development of the pupil.
WES9The teacher is a reflective practitioner who continually evaluates the effect of his or her choices and actions on pupils, parents, professionals in the learning community and others and who actively seeks out opportunities to grow professionally.