
U100/U200 - Tier 1 Universal Team Training

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Registration Closed.
Last Date to Register: 10/30/2013 12:01 AM
Last Date to Cancel: 10/28/2013 12:01 AM
Agency: CESA 8
Agency Contact: Jennifer Grenke
Agency Assistant: Jessica Kaczmarek 920-855-2114 Ext. 241
Location: Marinette School District
Facility: To Be Determined
11/4/2013 08:30 AM - 03:30 PM
11/5/2013 08:30 AM - 03:30 PM

U100: Universal Team Training - Day 1
Monday, November 4, 2013—8:30 AM-3:30 PM - CESA 8 Office                                                                              

U200: Universal Team Training - Day 2
Monday, November 5, 2013—8:30 AM-3:30PM - CESA 8 Office                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

The school PBIS Team, including administrator and coaches (internal and external), participate in these 2 training days which consists of intense, interactive activity-based preparation for implementation of school-wide PBIS.  These are guided team work days to begin developing the materials needed for PBIS Kick-Off and implementation.

Teams will leave the training with an understanding of  the essential components of a multi-tiered system of support that provide behavior supports to all students.  These components include:

  • Understanding how to review discipline data (Big Five  data disaggregated by ethnicity and disability)  and begin the process of data-based decision-making to meet student needs
  • How to  review the impact of student behavior on academic outcomes
  • Understanding, and planning  to implement, school-wide practices and procedures that encourage students to engage in positive behavior and discourage problem behavior
  • Identifying 3-5 school-wide behavioral expectations/rules
  • Drafting definitions of school-wide behavioral expectations by location (matrix)
  • Begin process of turning new behavioral expectations/rules into teachable lesson plans

Target Audience: Building level Universal team that includes: Building administrator, external and internal coaches, family members, regular education teachers that represent grade levels, a special education teacher, a social worker and/or psychologist, paraprofessional representation, and parents.


  • Current forms, data, and processes related to discipline policy and practices
  • Current value/vision/mission statements for the building
  • Laptop or other USB capable device for team use

Cost:  $1600.00 per building team (up to 8 members), $100 for each additional building team member.

This price includes U100, U200, U300, & Coaches Networking Meetings. If you would like SWIS Facilitation it will cost an additional $300 per building team.


CANCELLATION POLICY: Any registration cancellation must be received 7 days prior to the scheduled date to receive a refund or avoid invoicing. CESA 8 will only provide full refund of registration fees depending on individual circumstances. Refunds depend upon the ability of CESA 8 to cancel any financial obligations created by the registration such as meals, materials, etc. Registered participants not in attendance on the day of the session will be charged the full registration fee. CESA 8 reserves the right to cancel any session due to insufficient enrollment or inclement weather. Participants will be notified via email through if a cancellation occurs. Please make sure all of your contact information is correct in DIETARY ACCOMMODATIONS: Due to varied dietary restrictions, CESA 8 cannot guarantee that all special dietary accommodations can be met. CESA 8 makes every effort to accommodate basic dietary restrictions with advance notice, but please plan accordingly. BY REGISTERING FOR THIS EVENT YOU CONSENT TO PHOTOGRAPHS/VIDEOTAPE taken during the course for publicity, promotional, and/or educational purposes including but not limited to publications, presentations, newsletters, internet, and social media sources. I do this with full knowledge and consent to waive all claims for compensation for the use or for damages. If you do not consent to this statement, please send a written notice via email to the agency contact listed on the workshop posting.