
#873 School Expenditure Reporting Guidelines Information Session

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Registration Closed.
Last Date to Register: 2/9/2010 12:01 AM
Last Date to Cancel: 2/9/2010 12:01 AM
Agency: CESA 5
Agency Contact: Kathryn Richardson
Agency Assistant:
Location: CESA 5
626 E. Slifer St
Portage, WI 53901
Facility: Upstairs Conference Room
2/12/2010 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) requires grant recipients of Title I, Part A ARRA funds to report a school-by-school listing of per-pupil educational expenditures from state and local funds for the 2008-09 school year. This includes all K-12 schools regardless of Title I status. The United States Department of Education (USDE) will use this data to examine the extent to which school-level education resources are distributed equitably within and across school districts.

In order to collect this 2008-09 expenditure data from you, DPI developed a survey. The survey is specific to your school district and is pre-populated with the appropriate schools and codes. Again, this will include all K-12 schools regardless of Title I status.
The School Level Expenditure report is asking districts to report on their school-level state and local expenditures for the 2008-09 school year for all schools in their district.  While this information is being requested as a condition of receiving Title I-ARRA dollars, the actual data they are reporting does not include Title I-ARRA dollars.

CESA 5 will be giving a brief overview of this new information on February 12. We will be discussing the new reporting guidelines and answer any questions you might have regarding the information.

Cancellation Policy: Registered participants will receive a full refund if they cancel before 10 working days before an event, minus any material costs that have already been incurred. Because of our commitment to the trainer and the food vendor, participants who cancel less than 10 working days or do not attend, will be billed the full fee. CESA 5 reserves the right to cancel any event. Registered participants will be notified via email if a cancellation occurs and will receive a full refund. Inclement weather policy: Every effort will be made to hold an event. CESA 5 will notify participants via email as soon as possible if an event has been canceled due to weather conditions.