
11th SLP Institute (VITERBO-must also register for both days)

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Registration Closed.
Last Date to Register: 3/4/2013 12:01 AM
Last Date to Cancel: 3/4/2013 12:01 AM
Agency: CESA 5
Agency Contact: Jessica A. Williams
Agency Assistant: Tamara Kreklow 608-745-5466
Location: Kalahari Resort Convention Center
1305 Kalahari Drive
Wisconsin Dells, WI 53965
Facility: Suites 1-8
3/4/2013 07:30 AM - 04:00 PM

Viterbo University One Credit Option

Fee = $220 for one Viterbo graduate credit.  This fee is in addition to the conference registration fee(s).

Registration:  Official registration and payment are ONSITE ONLY. You pay nothing now and may change your mind at any time. Registering online ensures that you receive all Viterbo information, including the Viterbo course registration form via email in February, but does not replace on-site registration. Please bring your completed form and payment (check or credit card) when you check-in.

Course Requirements:  You are required to write an application summary paragraph for each speaker at the conference. Additionally, four articles must be read. A summary of the application of the information to your daily work assignments will be completed (articles are provided to participants on the conference flash drive.)

An optional assignment would be to read one book written by one of the conference presenters and complete a brief summary.  If the completed document is not received by Friday, March 22, 2013 you will receive an “F” grade for the conference, as indicated in the syllabus. YOUR TUITION AND FEES WILL NOT BE REFUNDED!

Requirement:  You must attend BOTH days of the conference to earn the one Viterbo graduate credit.  If you plan to attend for credit, you need to register for two events: 11th SLP Institute (Both Days) and 11th SLP Institute VITERBO.

Course Title:          11th Annual CESA 5 School-Based Speech-Language Pathology Institute
Course Number:   EDUC 548-049


Course Registration: Tamara Kreklow (608) 745-5465 or

Course Content: Jessica Williams (608) 745-5434 or

Cancellations: Registered participants will receive a full refund if they cancel at least 10 working days before the conference. Because of our commitments to the Kalahari, presenters, vendors and participants, no refund of any kind, for any reason, will be given for cancellation requests received after Monday, February 18, 2013. CESA 5 cannot make exceptions to this policy. Registrations are transferable within your organization. Any lodging cancellations are the responsibility of the participant and not subject to any type of refund by CESA 5. CESA 5 WILL NOT CANCEL THE CONFERENCE DUE TO INCLEMENT WEATHER. This policy replaces the cancellation policy stated below.


Teacher Standards
WES2The teacher understands how children with broad ranges of ability learn and provides instruction that supports their intellectual, social, and personal development.
WES3The teacher understands how pupils differ in their approaches to learning and the barriers that impede learning and can adapt instruction to meet the diverse needs of pupils, including those with disabilities and exceptionalities.
WES4The teacher understands and uses a variety of instructional strategies, including the use of technology to encourage children’s development of critical thinking, problem solving, and performance skills.
WES6The teacher uses effective verbal and nonverbal communication techniques as well as instructional media and technology to foster active inquiry, collaboration, and supportive interaction in the classroom.
WES8The teacher understands and uses formal and informal assessment strategies to evaluate and ensure the continuous intellectual, social, and physical development of the pupil.
Administrator Standards
WAS3The administrator manages by advocating, nurturing and sustaining a school culture and instructional program conducive to pupil learning and staff professional growth.
WAS5The administrator models collaborating with families and community members, responding to diverse community interests and needs, and mobilizing community resources.
WAS7The administrator understands, responds to, and interacts with the larger political, social, economic, legal, and cultural context that affects schooling.
Pupil Services
WPS2The pupil services professional understands the complexities of learning and knowledge of comprehensive, coordinated practice strategies that support pupil learning, health, safety and development.
WPS3The pupil services professional has the ability to use research, research methods and knowledge about issues and trends to improve practice in schools and classrooms.
WPS5The pupil services professional understands the organization, development, management and content of collaborative and mutually supportive pupil services programs within educational settings.
WPS6The pupil services professional is able to address comprehensively the wide range of social, emotional, behavioral and physical issues and circumstances which may limit pupils’ abilities to achieve positive learning outcomes through development, implementation and evaluation of system-wide interventions and strategies.
Special Education
Graduation Ratespercent comparison of youth with and without IEP's graduating with a regular diploma
Participation and Performance on statewide assess.for students with disabilities
Suspension/Expulsion Ratesdiscrepancy between the rate of students with disabilities being suspended or expelled from school more than 10 days
Parent Involvementpercent of parents of children with IEPs reporting satisfaction with parent involvement
Cancellation Policy: Registered participants will receive a full refund if they cancel before 10 working days before an event, minus any material costs that have already been incurred. Because of our commitment to the trainer and the food vendor, participants who cancel less than 10 working days or do not attend, will be billed the full fee. CESA 5 reserves the right to cancel any event. Registered participants will be notified via email if a cancellation occurs and will receive a full refund. Inclement weather policy: Every effort will be made to hold an event. CESA 5 will notify participants via email as soon as possible if an event has been canceled due to weather conditions.