
#849 Tom Guskey: Grading And Reporting Student Learning: Effective Policies and Practices

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Registration Closed.
Last Date to Register: 7/27/2010 12:01 AM
Last Date to Cancel: 7/24/2010 12:01 AM
Agency: CESA 5
Agency Contact: Julee Dredske
Agency Assistant:
Location: Glacier Canyon Lodge
45 Hillman Rd
Lake Delton, WI 53965
Facility: Conference Center
8/3/2010 08:30 AM - 03:30 PM

  This presentation describes the good, the bad, and the ugly of grading and reporting policies and practices. Stressing the importance of fairness and honesty in grading, a variety of ways to report student learning progress to parents and the community are discussed, including report cards, alternative formats for parent conferences, newsletters, phone calls, and other reporting tools. Designing new reporting structures that better communicate and involve parents in students’ learning will be highlighted, along with policies and practices that should be avoided due to their negative consequences for students, teachers, and schools.


Teacher Standards
WES2The teacher understands how children with broad ranges of ability learn and provides instruction that supports their intellectual, social, and personal development.
WES7The teacher organizes and plans systematic instruction based upon knowledge of subject matter, pupils, the community, and curriculum goals.
WES8The teacher understands and uses formal and informal assessment strategies to evaluate and ensure the continuous intellectual, social, and physical development of the pupil.
WES9The teacher is a reflective practitioner who continually evaluates the effect of his or her choices and actions on pupils, parents, professionals in the learning community and others and who actively seeks out opportunities to grow professionally.
WES10The teacher fosters relationships with school colleagues, parents, and agencies in the larger community to support pupil learning and well being and who acts with integrity, fairness and in an ethical manner.
Administrator Standards
WAS1The administrator has an understanding of and demonstrates competence in the teacher standards under s. PI 34.02.
WAS2The administrator leads by facilitating the development, articulation, implementation, and stewardship of a vision of learning that is shared by the school community.
WAS3The administrator manages by advocating, nurturing and sustaining a school culture and instructional program conducive to pupil learning and staff professional growth.
Pupil Services
WPS1The pupil services professional understands the teacher standards under s. PI 34.02.
WPS3The pupil services professional has the ability to use research, research methods and knowledge about issues and trends to improve practice in schools and classrooms.
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