Mentoring Essentials: Mentoring for Student Learning
Registration Closed.
Last Date to Register: 8/8/2023 12:01 AM
Last Date to Cancel: 7/30/2023 12:01 AM
As new teachers enter the teaching profession, it is mandated that they have a trained mentor. But what does the research say about peer coaching and mentoring? The equation is simple: staff development + practice + feedback + job embedded coaching/mentoring = real and lasting results as teachers aim for excellence in their professional practice. Theory for pre-service or in-service training alone does not produce lasting results. Join us for this one-day workshop to learn more about the mentor’s role in new teacher induction and the foundational skills of effective peer coaching.
Participants will gather the tools to:
- Assist a colleague with formative assessment of their professional practice
- Reflect on the needs of beginning teachers
- Create a vision for quality instruction and professional practice
- Build a trusting relationship for fostering learning
- Develop facilitative language and practice collaborative interactions
- Practice listening deeply and foster a disposition of curiosity in the coachee/mentee
- Practice reflection in the 10 teaching standards
Registration fee: (breakfast and snacks included)
CESA 5 Coaching & Mentoring Consortium Members: FREE
CESA 5 School Improvement Consortium Members: $150
All Others: $250