
Mentoring Essentials: Mentoring for Student Learning

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Registration Closed.
Last Date to Register: 8/8/2023 12:01 AM
Last Date to Cancel: 7/30/2023 12:01 AM
Agency: CESA 5
Agency Contact: Tammy Van Vleet
Agency Assistant: Stephanie Helmann 608-745-5472
Location: CESA 5
626 E. Slifer St
Portage, WI 53901
Facility: Main Conference Room
8/9/2023 08:30 AM - 11:30 AM

As new teachers enter the teaching profession, it is mandated that they have a trained mentor. But what does the research say about peer coaching and mentoring? The equation is simple: staff development + practice + feedback + job embedded coaching/mentoring = real and lasting results as teachers aim for excellence in their professional practice. Theory for pre-service or in-service training alone does not produce lasting results. Join us for this one-day workshop to learn more about the mentor’s role in new teacher induction and the foundational skills of effective peer coaching.

Participants will gather the tools to:

  • Assist a colleague with formative assessment of their professional practice
  • Reflect on the needs of beginning teachers
  • Create a vision for quality instruction and professional practice
  • Build a trusting relationship for fostering learning
  • Develop facilitative language and practice collaborative interactions
  • Practice listening deeply and foster a disposition of curiosity in the coachee/mentee
  • Practice reflection in the 10 teaching standards

Registration fee: (breakfast and snacks included)
CESA 5 Coaching & Mentoring Consortium Members: FREE
CESA 5 School Improvement Consortium Members: $150
All Others: $250

Cancellation Policy: Registered participants will receive a full refund if they cancel before 10 working days before an event, minus any material costs that have already been incurred. Because of our commitment to the trainer and the food vendor, participants who cancel less than 10 working days or do not attend, will be billed the full fee. CESA 5 reserves the right to cancel any event. Registered participants will be notified via email if a cancellation occurs and will receive a full refund. Inclement weather policy: Every effort will be made to hold an event. CESA 5 will notify participants via email as soon as possible if an event has been canceled due to weather conditions.