
21st Century Skills and Tools

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Registration Closed.
Last Date to Register: 10/3/2009 12:01 AM
Last Date to Cancel: 10/3/2009 12:01 AM
Agency: CESA 3
Agency Contact: Tara Beau
Agency Assistant: Jeni Pink 822-2159
Location: CESA 3
1300 Industrial Drive
Fennimore, WI 53809
Facility: Conference Room C/D
10/5/2009 09:00 AM - 03:00 PM
10/6/2009 09:00 AM - 03:00 PM

21st Century Skills and Tools
Oct 5 & 6, 2009
9:00 – 3:00
Registration must be received by Sept 18, 2009
Facilitators: Tara Beau, Terri Iverson, Naomi Harm, Tammy Stephens, & WDPI staff

Recognizing that technology is, and will continue to be a driving force in workplaces, communities, and personal lives in the 21st Century, Learning for the 21st Century emphasizes the importance of incorporating information and communication technology resources and tools into education from the elementary grades on up.

During this two-day professional development a district team consisting of teachers, library media people and administrators will be introduced to 21st Century tools to facilitate communication and collaboration as well as methods for evaluating the effectiveness of these tools.

On October 5th Naomi Harm will introduce communication and collaboration tools such as wiki’s, Google tools, Animoto, Poll Everywhere, widgets and gadgets and much more. You will not only learn how to use these tools but how to use them with your students in order to enhance and encourage communication and collaboration.

On October 6th Tammy Stephens will work separately with administrators and teachers. With the administrators she will provide training on how to collect walk-through data in the buildings. When she works with the teachers she will provide training on conducting peer reviews. Both these trainings are to help teachers and administrators evaluate the effective use of the 21st Century Skills and Tools they will be using.

Also here that day will be IT content specialists and consultants from the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction providing training on Wisconsin Portals such as Badgerlink, WISCAT and Ask?Away. We will also review the use of Thinkfinity and have time to begin creating your district integration plan.

Teacher Standards
WES1The teacher understands the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the disciplines he or she teaches and can create learning experiences that make these aspects of subject matter meaningful for pupils.
WES2The teacher understands how children with broad ranges of ability learn and provides instruction that supports their intellectual, social, and personal development.
WES3The teacher understands how pupils differ in their approaches to learning and the barriers that impede learning and can adapt instruction to meet the diverse needs of pupils, including those with disabilities and exceptionalities.
WES4The teacher understands and uses a variety of instructional strategies, including the use of technology to encourage children’s development of critical thinking, problem solving, and performance skills.
WES7The teacher organizes and plans systematic instruction based upon knowledge of subject matter, pupils, the community, and curriculum goals.
WES9The teacher is a reflective practitioner who continually evaluates the effect of his or her choices and actions on pupils, parents, professionals in the learning community and others and who actively seeks out opportunities to grow professionally.
WES10The teacher fosters relationships with school colleagues, parents, and agencies in the larger community to support pupil learning and well being and who acts with integrity, fairness and in an ethical manner.
Administrator Standards
WAS2The administrator leads by facilitating the development, articulation, implementation, and stewardship of a vision of learning that is shared by the school community.
WAS3The administrator manages by advocating, nurturing and sustaining a school culture and instructional program conducive to pupil learning and staff professional growth.
WAS6The administrator acts with integrity, fairness, and in an ethical manner.
Participant Cancellation Policy: You must contact CESA #3 at least one week prior to the scheduled event to cancel and receive a full refund of your registration fee. Cancellations not received at least one week prior to the registered event will be charged the full registration fee. CESA #3 reserves the right to cancel any workshop due to insufficient enrollment. Participants will be notified by e-mail or phone if a workshop is cancelled. If a participant is a 'no show' the school will be billed for the registration fee, or loss of the 'free' attendance slot. Accommodations: If you need an accommodation to participate including interpreter services (sign language or other spoken language) please email the workshop contact to set up these services. A two-week notice is appreciated. CESA #3 is handicapped accessible.