
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm DPI Regional Career Pathways District Template Training Session

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Registration Closed.
Last Date to Register: 4/25/2021 12:01 AM
Last Date to Cancel: 4/25/2021 12:01 AM
Agency: CESA 10
Agency Contact: Gwen Janke
Agency Assistant: Ginny Shoemaker 715-720-2026
Location: Virtual Learning
online only
online, WI 54729
Facility: Virtual Learning
4/27/2021 02:00 PM - 03:00 PM

Is participation required? 

Every district within CESA 10 must have at least one staff member attend one of the six one-hour sessions offered on April 27 or 29.  Please refer to the bottom of this flyer for specific times and registration links.  Multiple staff from the same district do not need to attend the same session. All virtual training sessions will be identical, and participants should choose the option that works best.

Is there a fee assessed to attend the training? No.  There is no fee for any district within CESA 10 to participate in the DPI Regional Career Pathways training session. 

What is the focus of the DPI Regional Career Pathways district training session? 

The focus of the training session is to introduce the new DPI Regional Career Pathway (RCP) district templates for the following four RCP Pathways implemented within The Great Northwest region of CESA 10, 11 and 12:

  • Business Administration
  • Construction
  • Healthcare
  • Manufacturing

Who should attend the training session? 

Individuals who are responsible for submitting accurate information regarding the Career Pathway size, scope and quality requirements set forth by DPI.  Suggested individuals include principals, high school counselors, and individuals engaged with CTE curriculum and instruction.

What resource provided by CESA 10 can district be using throughout this process? 

Staff will be utilizing the Google doc listing your District CTE Goals & Pathways (created by CESA 10 and shared with members of your staff on previous occasions) to input information into the DPI Career Pathways template.  Please contact Gwen Janke at if you need access to your district CTE Goals & Pathways document.

Is there a follow-up to this training session? 

Yes.  All districts will need to schedule an individual meeting with Gwen Janke, Director of College and Career Readiness during the weeks of May 3 – 7 or May 10 – 17.  This will be a 30-minute virtual meeting.

What is the focus of the individual district follow-up meetings in May?

During the individual virtual meetings, districts will provide CESA 10 with their personalized District Career Pathway maps, based on the templates.  The district maps will be based on the templates discussed during the initial training session for any of the four Regional Career Pathways listed above in which the criteria for size, scope and quality are met. 

What is the registration process? 

Each participant will register for one training session using the MyQuckReg link on the CESA 10 website

Questions or problems with registration?  Contact Ginny Shoemaker at or 715-720-2026.  More information on how to select a timeslot for the individual district meetings the weeks of May 3 – 7 or May 10 – 17 will sent in a follow-up email at a later date.