
RSN Director's Meeting

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Registration Closed.
Last Date to Register: 5/22/2021 12:01 AM
Last Date to Cancel: 5/22/2021 12:01 AM
Agency: CESA 8
Agency Contact: Brenda Jozwiak-Boldig
Agency Assistant: Sue Schuettpelz 920-855-2114 Ext. 232
Location: CESA 8
223 West Park Street
Gillett, WI 54124
Facility: Aspen
5/27/2021 08:30 AM - 01:00 PM In-person or over Zoom

NOTE: This RSN meeting will be offered both in-person and over Zoom.  You must register to ensure that you receive the link in the event you will be participating through zoom. When you register, you will have the option to select, "In-person or Zoom"  As usual, the zoom link will be emailed out prior to the meeting.

CESA 8 Office Expectations:

  • CESA 8 office is following the CDC Guidelines for Covid-19, which are:
  • Prevention measures not needed for fully vaccinated people
  • Take prevention measures if unvaccinated. CDC guidelines are to wear a mask, stay 6 feet apart, and wash your hands.

CDC cannot provide the specific risk level for every activity in every community. It is important to consider your own personal situation and the risk to you, your family, and your community when masking and unmasking. 

Box lunch will be provided at no cost. 


  • 8:30 - 9:00 AM:  Coffee Talk / Network with colleagues
  • 9:00 - 9:30 AM: Marge Resan (DPI Consultant) virtual connect
    • DPI Updates
    • Q&A (send your questions to Brenda, to get to Marge by 5/2)  
  • 9:30 - 9:45 AM: Inclusion Activity
  • 9:45 - 10:00 AM: Break
  • 10:00 - 10:45 AM: What’s Your WHY - connected to Leadership
    • Continuous Improvement - the work connected to your why
    • Leading/Supporting adult practices
      • Assets Activity: Back to the kids/communities we serve
  • 10:45 - 11:30 AM: Grant Updates
    • Early Childhood
    • RtI
    • TIG
    • WSPEI
  • 11:30 - 12:15: Wrap-Up Q&A and Other Updates
    • Mary Gerbig - Legal connections
      • Any follow up questions for Mary send to Brenda by 5/2
    • WCASS (Elle: updates & fall banquet info)
    • MOE Exception for 20-21 due to reduced count (why)
  • 12:15 - 1:00  LUNCH

Any questions, please email Brenda Jozwiak-Bolding, RSN Director


CDC cannot provide the specific risk level for every activity in every community. It is important to consider your own personal situation and the risk to you, your family, and your community when masking and unmasking.  For more information see CDC:  Choosing Safer Activities.

*Prevention measures not needed for fully vaccinated people.

*Take prevention measures if unvaccinated: CDC guidelines are to wear a mask, stay 6 feet apart and wash your hands.





CANCELLATION POLICY: Any registration cancellation must be received 7 days prior to the scheduled date to receive a refund or avoid invoicing. CESA 8 will only provide full refund of registration fees depending on individual circumstances. Refunds depend upon the ability of CESA 8 to cancel any financial obligations created by the registration such as meals, materials, etc. Registered participants not in attendance on the day of the session will be charged the full registration fee. CESA 8 reserves the right to cancel any session due to insufficient enrollment or inclement weather. Participants will be notified via email through if a cancellation occurs. Please make sure all of your contact information is correct in DIETARY ACCOMMODATIONS: Due to varied dietary restrictions, CESA 8 cannot guarantee that all special dietary accommodations can be met. CESA 8 makes every effort to accommodate basic dietary restrictions with advance notice, but please plan accordingly. BY REGISTERING FOR THIS EVENT YOU CONSENT TO PHOTOGRAPHS/VIDEOTAPE taken during the course for publicity, promotional, and/or educational purposes including but not limited to publications, presentations, newsletters, internet, and social media sources. I do this with full knowledge and consent to waive all claims for compensation for the use or for damages. If you do not consent to this statement, please send a written notice via email to the agency contact listed on the workshop posting.