
Developing Highly Qualified Paraprofessionals

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Registration Closed.
Last Date to Register: 8/18/2020 12:01 AM
Last Date to Cancel: 8/14/2020 12:01 AM
Agency: CESA 7
Agency Contact: Charla Meyer
Agency Assistant: Christine Larson 920-617-5628
Audience: Paraprofessionals
Location: Virtual
Facility: Virtual
8/21/2020 08:30 AM - 11:30 AM zoom link to registered and paid participants will be sent the morning of the training

Please note: You must have a laptop that you can work on for this workshop. CESA 7 does not have laptops available for your use.

This workshop is designed to provide support to paraprofessionals as they work with students, teacher, parents, and other school staff and to assist them in meeting the "highly qualified requirements" of School Wide Title I.

In this workshop, participants will examine the best practices of providing instruction to students in the areas of reading, writing, and math. Participants will also register for and begin the Master Teacher ParaEducator PD Now modules . The completion of the modules and the passing of the assessments will meet the Title I requirement for "Highly Qualified."

Participants will receive professional development on the content of the 13 modules included in the Master Teacher ParaEducator PD Now modules and will also have time to being work on the modules. These modules will not all be completed by the end of the session. You will have 364 days to complete the modules and pass the assessments to meet the Title I requirement for "Highly Qaulified" 

Payment for class must be paid by credit card. Please follow instructions on this site to complete the credit card payment.

CANCELLATIONS: Cancellations must be faxed (920-492-5965) or e-mailed to the PERSON LISTED AS THE EVENT CONTACT five (5) working days prior to the date of the event unless other cancellation information is noted in the specific event. We are unable to provide refunds for no-shows. DIETARY ACCOMMODATIONS: Due to varied dietary restrictions, CESA 7 cannot guarantee that all special dietary accommodations can be met. CESA 7 makes every effort to accommodate basic dietary restrictions with advance notice, but please plan accordingly. PHOTO/VIDEO: During my attendance at this event, I authorize CESA 7 to record on photograph, film, videotape, or otherwise, my name, likeness, image, voice, and performance. My name, likeness, voice, and excerpts of the recordings may be used for training, publicizing, and promoting. To opt out of the image release, attendees must notify the contact person for this event.