
StudyWiz Spark Training (EETT Grant)

Two day training Sept. 9 & 24

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Registration Closed.
Last Date to Register: 9/9/2009 12:01 AM
Last Date to Cancel: 9/7/2009 12:01 AM
Agency: CESA 3
Agency Contact: Tara Beau
Agency Assistant: Jeni Pink 822-2159
Location: CESA 3
1300 Industrial Drive
Fennimore, WI 53809
Facility: Conference Room C/D
9/9/2009 09:00 AM - 03:00 PM
9/24/2009 09:00 AM - 03:00 PM

Studywiz Spark is a dynamic Learning Space for K – 12 that creates an online learning environment for students. It gives teachers a place to easily collect, organize, manage and add multimedia content to their existing curriculum while personalizing it and distributing it across multiple access points beyond the computer, including mobile learning devices such as the Apple iPhone and iPod. Studywiz Spark gives students a place to safely explore and learn new concepts and it offers parents a place to engage in their children’s progress. Importantly, it provides administrators a place to optimize their curriculum investment.

Teachers can create personalized or team folders to dynamically target instruction to individual students with ease, and students only see information that is relevant to their learning and school life.

From a simple school-wide message to a teacher-parent discussion forum, Studywiz Spark provides essential tools for collaborative school communities. Shared calendars, discussion boards and galleries enable communication anytime, anywhere.

Studywiz Spark allows teachers to automate and manage instructional workflow more efficiently. In a Dynamic Learn Space, teachers can send assignments and tests digitally to whole classes or individuals, receive auto-graded test results or share exemplary work with the class.

CESA #3 is collaborating with CESA #4 to provide this dynamic learning environment to secondary teachers. In this two-day workshop teachers will learn about:
• Dynamic Learning Spaces
• Best Practices with File Structures
• eBulletins
• Calendars
• eLockers & Shared eLockers
• Galleries
• Podcasting with Galleries
• Creating Assignments & Multi Content Activities
• Creating RSS feeds
• Games
• Chatting
• Creating Polls, Tests & Quizzes
• Creating Student Reports
• Use StudyWiz Mobile
• What makes a good on-line activity

By the end of the workshop participants will be able to move their completely face-to-face teaching to either a blended online and face-to-face or even a completely online lesson or class.

Participants should come prepared with content they wish to move into StudyWiz Spark activities. Bring any textbooks, handouts, tests, multimedia content or other materials you will need in order to create StudyWiz activities.

Participant Cancellation Policy: You must contact CESA #3 at least one week prior to the scheduled event to cancel and receive a full refund of your registration fee. Cancellations not received at least one week prior to the registered event will be charged the full registration fee. CESA #3 reserves the right to cancel any workshop due to insufficient enrollment. Participants will be notified by e-mail or phone if a workshop is cancelled. If a participant is a 'no show' the school will be billed for the registration fee, or loss of the 'free' attendance slot. Accommodations: If you need an accommodation to participate including interpreter services (sign language or other spoken language) please email the workshop contact to set up these services. A two-week notice is appreciated. CESA #3 is handicapped accessible.