
ESEA/Title I Application Writing Workshop (Comp Lab)

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Registration Closed.
Last Date to Register: 8/2/2016 12:01 AM
Last Date to Cancel: 8/3/2016 12:01 AM
Agency: CESA 9
Agency Contact: Casey Gretzinger
Agency Assistant: Kristine Peeters 715-365-4416
Audience: District Title I Contacts
Location: CESA 9
304 Kaphaem Road
Tomahawk, WI 54487
Facility: Learning Lab
8/5/2016 08:30 AM - 03:30 PM

Use this time to work as a district team (program and fiscal staff) to decide how 2016-17 ESEA and specifically Title I funds will be used to meet the needs identified in the district’s needs assessment. If your planning for implementation is already completed, come prepared to enter your data and complete the application.  CESA and DPI will be available to answer questions and provide support.  Applications are due August 31, 2016

CESA & DPI Staff will be available to provide support from 8:30 am 2:00 pm.  Stay as long as you need to get your needs met

8:30 - 9:30    Introduction and WISEgrants Overview
9:30 - 2:00    or earlier once needs are met
** Lunch will be provided for those who choose to stay and work.

•    Work in district teams to discuss how to spend the funds for Title I
•    Enter data and complete application

What districts need to bring to complete the Title I Application:

  • Results from your district’s needs assessment
  • Allocation amounts are available on this website: Information
  • License numbers for teachers not in the current application, but will be charged to the grants
  • Enrollment data by school attendance area for all schools (for both public and private) – for Title I purposes
  • Total Enrollment and Low Income Enrollment
  • If you are aware of any of your students who attend private schools located in other districts and those private school are participating in their home district’s Title I services, make sure to include those students in your district’s enrollment counts.

Before the workshop, be sure:

Know your WAMS ID for logging into WISEgrants and make sure all users have the right access within WISEgrants.
Authorize your assurances, debarment, and anti-lobbying form
Authorize and upload your district’s assurance from within WISEgrants
Authorize and upload your district’s debarment form within WISEgrants
Authorize and upload your district’s private school affirmation forms within WISEgrants
Complete the annual consultation meeting with private schools to determine participation
Upload Title III’s Consortium Verification form (if applicable)
All forms are available within WISEgrants -

Cost:  FREE - sponsored by the Title I Network
CESA Contact:  Casey Gretzinger


-CANCELLATION POLICY- Unless otherwise noted, if we receive your cancellation at least 48 hours before the program begins, you will qualify for a full refund. If you do not show up or cancel prior to the 48 hour time frame, you are subject to a $25.00 late cancellation fee. -DISCLAIMERS- CESA 9 will make every effort to accommodate basic dietary restrictions with advance notice. CESA 9 does not assume liability for adverse reactions to food one may come into contact with at a CESA 9 event. To better serve our guests with dietary restrictions, please update the special accommodations section in your MyQuickReg account. By registering for an event with CESA 9, participants agree to grant to CESA 9 and its authorized representatives permission to record digital photos and/or video, of their participation. Participants further agree that any or all of the material photographed may be used, in any form, as part of any future publications, brochure, or other printed materials used to promote CESA 9, and further that such use shall be without payment of fees, royalties, special credit or other compensation. If you do not wish to have your photo or image used, please call the CESA 9 office.