
Paraprofessional Training

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Registration Closed.
Last Date to Register: 2/21/2016 12:01 AM
Last Date to Cancel: 2/19/2016 12:01 AM
Agency: CESA 8
Agency Contact: Deb Wall
Agency Assistant: Jessica Kaczmarek 920-855-2114 Ext. 241
Location: CESA 8
223 West Park Street
Gillett, WI 54124
Facility: Aspen
2/26/2016 09:00 AM - 02:30 PM Check-In 8:30AM - 9:00PM

Paraprofessional Training -  February 26, 2016
9:00AM - 2:30PM

Agenda - 
  8:45 AM -  Check-In
  9:00 AM -  Review of the day
  9:15 AM - Session 1
10:15 AM - Break
10:30 AM - Session 2
11:30 AM - Lunch
12:30 PM - Session 3
1:30 PM -  2:30 PM Wrap-up


Each paraprofessional may register for only one option.

Option #1
AutismBrief follow up on the characteristics of the autism spectrum as a means to help facilitate the understanding and need for Self Management and the Incredible 5 Point Scale and Zones of Regulation. This is an introductory awareness of their purposes with children who need to learn social skills including emotional and behavioral understanding in themselves, in others and what they need when they are in certain zones.  We will provide a case study as a means to learn and then share out.  We will also tie the characteristics of the autism spectrum and why self management is an area of challenge and an area of necessity in their learning about self awareness and our responsibilities of choosing pro social, emotional and behavioral responses that allow us to be included in all environments in our lives that matter to us.

Option #2
Engaging Reluctant Learners: Fostering a Growth Mindset - Are you interested in finding ways to engage the student who appears disinterested and unmotivated and who may be facing one or more of his or her own challenges? Learning about growth mindset and the impact it can have on both the teacher and the students is an important next step.

Participants will:

  • Understand the critical differences between fixed and growth mindset.
  • Explore the emotional impact of shame in learning challenges and how developing a growth mindset can improve self efficacy
  • Investigate several strategies to help move from a fixed to a growth mindset.

Providing Support for Language and Early Literacy Learning - This session will focus on collecting information to support language development, early reading development and early writing development.

Option #3
Providing Support for Language and Early Literacy Learning - This session will focus on collecting information to support language development, early reading development and early writing development.

Self-Determination and Peer Supports for your Students

  • Investigate strategies for facilitating self-determination and self-advocacy in students
  • Explore how to facilitate peer supports for students in inclusive settings 

Nonviolent Crisis Intervention Supports


Cost: $30.00 per person for Student Needs Professional Development (SNPD) member districts; $50.00 per person for SNPD non-member districts

CANCELLATION POLICY: Any registration cancellation must be received 7 days prior to the scheduled date to receive a refund or avoid invoicing. CESA 8 will only provide full refund of registration fees depending on individual circumstances. Refunds depend upon the ability of CESA 8 to cancel any financial obligations created by the registration such as meals, materials, etc. Registered participants not in attendance on the day of the session will be charged the full registration fee. CESA 8 reserves the right to cancel any session due to insufficient enrollment or inclement weather. Participants will be notified via email through if a cancellation occurs. Please make sure all of your contact information is correct in DIETARY ACCOMMODATIONS: Due to varied dietary restrictions, CESA 8 cannot guarantee that all special dietary accommodations can be met. CESA 8 makes every effort to accommodate basic dietary restrictions with advance notice, but please plan accordingly. BY REGISTERING FOR THIS EVENT YOU CONSENT TO PHOTOGRAPHS/VIDEOTAPE taken during the course for publicity, promotional, and/or educational purposes including but not limited to publications, presentations, newsletters, internet, and social media sources. I do this with full knowledge and consent to waive all claims for compensation for the use or for damages. If you do not consent to this statement, please send a written notice via email to the agency contact listed on the workshop posting.