
PARASeries #1-Dealing with Socio-Economic Factors


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Registration Closed.
Last Date to Register: 10/17/2010 12:01 AM
Last Date to Cancel: 10/17/2010 12:01 AM
Agency: CESA 5
Agency Contact: Karen Lietzow
Agency Assistant: Jo Ann Senzig 608-745-5422
Location: CESA 5
626 E. Slifer St
Portage, WI 53901
Facility: Main Conference Room
10/18/2010 09:00 AM - 03:30 PM

The first session in the PARASeries for the 2010-2011 school year will focus on the achievement of students coming from a low, socio-economic status. Poverty has a huge impact on a student and his performance in school. It should also impact how students are instructed, how adults interact with students, and how parents are involved in school activities. Each paraprofessional in attendance will be asked to leave his/her comfort zone and look at school through the eyes of a child living in poverty. Using the research of Ruby Payne in issues addressing poverty will provide paraprofessionals with a wealth of information that will enable them to provide appropriate interventions for students from low, socio-economic backgrounds.

Presenter: Sue Wellnitz formerly worked as program support and the RSN Coordinator for CESA 5. She has presented at local, state, and national conferences on best practices in special education and the importance of providing quality staff development opportunities. Sue was a REACh mentor, regional center coordinator, and a CESA 5 CREATE representative.

WEAC Level 1. Core Growth & Development—Core Level II. Diversity (5 hours)
DPI Paraprofessional Competencies #3.2 Growth & Development— #6.1, 6.6 -Diversity
SPP Indicator #3 Performance on WKCE and WAA-SwD

The PARASeries provides professional growth for paraprofessionals that is based on the Wisconsin Personnel Development Model. Working in collaboration with both the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction and the WEAC Professional Development Academy, programs are offered each year that address the paraprofessional competency areas identified by the DPI, as well as core and elective programs that meet the WEAC requirements for ESP certification. Additionally, several of the programs offered also address the State Performance Plan Indicators; another tool used by the DPI to measure progress of students with disabilities. The PARASeries follows a two year cycle, providing a paraprofessional the opportunity to complete the requirements for the ESP Level 1 certification in a two year period.

For further questions about the PARASeries programs offered at CESA 5, please contact Karen Lietzow, Project Director for the Regional Service Network, at (608) 742-8814, ext. 309, or email

For information about the WEAC ESP certification, please visit the WEA Professional Development Academy at:

Registration fee/each workshop: $65.00/session or Early Bird Special! $235 if all 4 sessions are registered and paid for by October 4, 2010—Early Bird fee is non-refundable, but attendance at each session is transferable!  (lunch and materials are included)

Registration questions? Contact: Jo Ann Senzig at (608) 742-8814, ext. 272, or email

This professional development opportunity was made possible by funding from CFDA #84.027

Special Education
Participation and Performance on statewide assess.for students with disabilities
Cancellation Policy: Registered participants will receive a full refund if they cancel before 10 working days before an event, minus any material costs that have already been incurred. Because of our commitment to the trainer and the food vendor, participants who cancel less than 10 working days or do not attend, will be billed the full fee. CESA 5 reserves the right to cancel any event. Registered participants will be notified via email if a cancellation occurs and will receive a full refund. Inclement weather policy: Every effort will be made to hold an event. CESA 5 will notify participants via email as soon as possible if an event has been canceled due to weather conditions.