
CTE Standards Development Workshop

Family & Consumer Sciences and Health Science

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Registration Closed.
Last Date to Register: 10/25/2014 12:01 AM
Last Date to Cancel: 11/2/2014 12:01 AM
Agency: CESA 10
Agency Contact: Candyce Lund
Agency Assistant: Judy Doro 715-861-6982
Location: CESA 10
725 West Park Avenue
Chippewa Falls, WI 54729
Facility: Teleconference Center
11/4/2014 08:30 AM - 03:15 PM

Who: All Teachers teaching Family and Consumer Sciences and Health Science

What: Professional Staff Development Training

Where: CESA #10
725 West Park Avenue
Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin 54729


? Collaborate and network with colleagues to share the following:
• Personal Financial Literacy-Standards and Performance Tasks
• Educator Effectiveness Outcomes-SLO Development
• Incorporating School Based Enterprises into the classroom
• Implementing the Wisconsin Common Career Technical Standards (WCCTS)
• Branding and Advocacy in FACS and Health Science
• Science Equivalency
• ProStart
• Investigate industry certifications and local curriculum assessments associated with the Technical Skill Academic Incentive Grants supported by Act 59.

Cost: $25 per participant – Lunch and snacks will be provided.

Sponsored by: Department of Public Instruction & CESA 10

Workshop attendees need to bring a copy of their WI Standards in Family and Consumer Sciences and/or Health Science.

Tentative Agenda

8:30              Continental Breakfast and Registration

9:00              Welcome and Attendee Introductions

9:15              Personal Financial Literacy  

?      Connecting to PFL and Revised CTE Standards

 10:15            Educator Effectiveness

·       SLO development-connecting to math and literacy

 11:15            Collaboration Session I: 

?      Educator Effectiveness practices

12:00            Lunch

12:45            School Based Enterprises and Authentic Learning

1:30              Advanced Standards in WCCTS

?      Best practices of implementing the Wisconsin Common Career Technical Standards (WCCTS)

2:15              Branding and Advocacy of FCS Programs

2:45              Science Equivalency Updates, ProStart Programming and Course Syllabus

3:00              Integrating CTSO’s into CTE Programming


3:15              Departure