
Technical Assistance and Support for Systems Integration (Morning Session)

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Registration Closed.
Last Date to Register: 2/24/2015 12:01 AM
Last Date to Cancel: 2/24/2015 12:01 AM
Agency: CESA 10
Agency Contact: Lorna Margenau
Agency Assistant: Shari Owen 715-720-2060
Location: CESA 10
725 West Park Avenue
Chippewa Falls, WI 54729
Facility: Conference Center (Rooms 1-2-3)
2/25/2015 09:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Technical Assistance and Support for Systems Integration - Updated
Jill Koenitzer, Milaney Leverson, Kao Moua Her, Kent Smith, Linda Stead
Regional Technical Assistance Coordinators

Interactive sessions designed for districts and schools to enhance, sustain and integrate their behavioral and academic multi-level systems of support

An enduring multi-level system of supports for ALL students requires planning with a framework in mind. Wisconsin RtI Center and Wisconsin PBIS Network regional technical assistance coordinators will facilitate a series of interactive half-day sessions around integrating behavioral and academic systems of support.

Topics can include:

  • System Assessments and Tools
  • Culturally Responsive Practices
  • Secondary School Implementation
  • Family Engagement & Partnerships
  • Classroom Management
  • Supports for Students with Disabilities
  • Screening Processes
  • School Culture & Buy-In

Who Should Attend:  RtI Coordinators, Internal and External PBIS Coaches, Additional School staff are welcome to attend depending on topics.


  • Schools will receive technical assistance around core components of a Culturally Responsive Multi-Level System of Support
  • Schools will use their data in an integrated fashion and establish next steps and action planning
  • Review their systems by using student outcome data and implementation data
  • Learn strategies to support underserved populations (SWD, Cultural and Linguistic minorities, etc)
  • Establish an inter-schools support system and a community of practitioners

What to Bring:  Laptop or mobile device, access information for SIR and PBIS Assessments, other materials dependent on topic

Registration Fee(s): $10 per person per session for non-CSPD districts. Fee includes materials and snacks.

Location: CESA 10 Conference Center, 725 West Park Avenue, Chippewa Falls WI 54729

Registration Deadline: Must register for session(s); registration closes one week prior to each session

Online Registration: Register through MyQuickReg

September 22, 2014 1:00 pm - 3:30 pm Integrated (all groups)
December 12, 2014 9:00 am - 12:00 pm PBIS Content
Updated - February 25, 2015 9:00 am - 12:00 pm Family Engagement (You can choose to attend just the morning session or afternoon session or the whole day. Please register for each session you plan to attend.)
Updated - April 30, 2015 9:00 am - 3:30 pm Meeting the Needs of Underserved Students

For additional Program Information, contact:  Lorna Margenau,, 715-720-2059

For additional Registration Information, contact:  Shari Owen,, 715-720-2060


Technical Assistance and Support for Systems Integration

February 25, 2015
1:00 pm - 3:30 pm
CESA 10 Conference Center

Milaney Leverson, PBIS Regional TAC
Kent Smith, PBIS Regional TAC
Linda Stead, PBIS Regional TAC

PBIS Networking meetings are for building internal coaches, district external coaches, and administration. Team members are welcome. They are intended to provide schools with an opportunity to gain new knowledge, share practices, and receive technical assistance around specific PBIS topics.

Topics can include:

  • Educator Effectiveness and PBIS
  • Using Assessment Data for Action Planning
  • Problem Solving with Student Outcome Data
  • Classroom Management
  • Consequence Systems
  • Culturally Responsive practices
  • Family Engagement
  • Tier 2

What to bring:  Laptop or mobile device, access information for PBIS Assessments (PBISApps), other materials depending upon the topic.

Registration Fee(s): No charge for CESA 10 CSPD school districts; $10 per session for all others. Fee includes materials and snacks.

Online Registration: Register through MyQuickReg

For Additional Program Information contact: Lorna Margenau, 715-720-2053,

For Additional Registration Information contact: Shari Owen, 715-720-2060,