
WISExplore Data Retreat (Elementary)

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Registration Closed.
Last Date to Register: 8/9/2014 12:01 AM
Last Date to Cancel: 8/16/2014 12:01 AM
Agency: CESA 10
Agency Contact: Ellen Mihm
Agency Assistant: Judy Doro 715-861-6982
Location: CESA 10
725 West Park Avenue
Chippewa Falls, WI 54729
Facility: Conference Center (Rooms 1-2-3)
8/18/2014 08:30 AM - 03:30 PM
8/19/2014 08:30 AM - 03:30 PM

WISEdash and other state data tools offer new opportunities to enhance data inquiry for educators. Bring your school leadership team to participate in this two-day workshop and learn about the updated WISExplore Inquiry Process. This active retreat will enhance your leadership team's skills with the "WISE" data tools as they inform your school's improvement direction.

Participants will:
• Learn about WISEdash and Data Inquiry Process updates.
• Actively navigate WISEdash, while posing meaningful data questions for their own data inquiry
• Investigate data in WISEdash data dashboards: WSAS, ACCESS, Growth, Attendance, AP, ACT, High School Completion, Enrollment, PALS, MAPs, Public WISEdash, Drop-Out Early Warning System (DEWS), Post-Secondary Enrollment and any other released dashboards.
• Begin to analyze local data as part of the inquiry process
• Learn how to use the Data Inquiry Process to inform the development of a School Learning Objective (SLO) and Teacher SLOs aligned to the school SLO

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Understand and utilize the Data Tools of WISEdash
  2. Use the WISExplore Data Inquiry process to analyze district data
  3. Understand how the WISExplore data inquiry process can be used to inform your school's improvement direction.


Data Accountability Service Members - Free
Districts include: Abbotsford, Bloomer, Bruce, Eleva-Strum, Gilman, Greenwood, Ladysmith, Mondovi, New Auburn, & Osseo-Fairchild

Non-Consortium Member - $200/team of 5


Teacher Standards
WES8The teacher understands and uses formal and informal assessment strategies to evaluate and ensure the continuous intellectual, social, and physical development of the pupil.
Administrator Standards
WAS1The administrator has an understanding of and demonstrates competence in the teacher standards under s. PI 34.02.